[6], The government initially held a two-seat majority, which was technically only a one-seat majority with the omission of Liberal member Jonathan O'Dea as Speaker, who only has a casting vote. At the 2019 election, the Coalition won a third term in government for the first time since 1971 while Gladys Berejiklian became the first woman in New South Wales to lead a party to a state election victory. [11] In March 2022 a bill moved by the Greens, to change the state's constitution and allow MPs to meet virtually during a declared emergency such as a pandemic, passed the parliament and in so doing, became the first non-government bill opposed by the government to pass the parliament since the Liberal/National Coalition came to power at the 2011stateelection. The Liberals won 35 seats while the Nationals won 13 seats, thus giving the Coalition a combined total of 48 seats, one more than the minimum 47 required for a majority. Post-election pendulum for the 2019 New South Wales state election, Members of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly, 20192023, Independent Commission Against Corruption, Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services, Pre-election pendulum for the 2023 New South Wales state election, Candidates of the 2023 New South Wales state election Retiring MPs, Candidates of the 2023 New South Wales state election Labor, Candidates of the 2023 New South Wales state election Liberal, Candidates of the 2023 New South Wales state election Nationals, Candidates of the 2023 New South Wales state election Independent, Candidates of the 2023 New South Wales state election Other, Candidates of the 2023 New South Wales state election, "iVote failure election re-runs in Kempsey, Singleton, Shellharbour to be held July 30 despite efforts to postpone", "Koala bill causes NSW Government crisis as Gladys Berejiklian warns John Barilaro Nationals ministers will be booted from cabinet", "NSW Nationals back down after Berejiklian's ultimatum", "Live: 'Couldn't come at a worse time': Premier's bombshell amid 'darkest days in state's history', "Dominic Perrottet sworn in as the youngest ever NSW premier - everything you need to know", "ICAC should hurry up and release Berejiklian, Maguire findings, former judge says", "Gareth Ward: NSW prosecutor to consider sexual violence claims against Kiama MP", "Gareth Ward charged over historical allegations of sexual assault", "NSW MP Gareth Ward suspended from parliament over historic sexual abuse charges", "NSW MP John Sidoti joins crossbench after ICAC announces inquiry into property dealings", "VIDEO: NSW government to be plunged further into minority", "NSW MP Alex Greenwich threatens to withdraw supply from Perrottet government over 'attacks' on trans kids", "Group that helped unseat a federal Liberal MP sets their sights on NSW election", "Fred Nile says the Christian Democratic Party is officially dead - Eternity News", "The future of Christians in Politics - Christ in Government (Fred Nile Alliance)", "Former Labor MP switches to One Nation weeks before NSW election", "VIDEO: Dominic Perrottet apologises for wearing a Nazi uniform", "Dominic Perrottet Nazi costume: Senior ministers rally to insulate NSW premier", "NSW Labor leader Chris Minns says Dominic Perrottet's Nazi uniform apology is 'sincere', https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/politics/police-awaiting-report-on-dominic-perrottets-nazi-costume-after-mps-threats/news-, "Two months before NSW election, a new poll gives Labor a big lead", "NSW Premier Dominic Perrottet trumps Labor leader Chris Minns in online poll following heated first state election debate", "Report of the Electoral Districts Redistribution Panel on the draft determination of the names and boundaries of electoral districts of New South Wales", "Names and boundaries of electoral districts", "Electoral Pendulum for the 2023 NSW Election Antony Green's Election Blog", "NSW Labor MP Walt Secord to retire from politics following allegations of bullying", "Sitting Labor MLC's Adam Searle, Walt Secord (retiring) and Shaoquett Moselmane have been dumped from the ALP Upper House ticket. 2023 New South Wales state election Niko Leka for Newcastle Niko Leka, candidate for Newcastle. The NSW State Government Election on Saturday 25 March 2023 is run by the NSW Electoral Commission. The Greens strengthened their hold on the three seats they held prior to the election while the Shooters,FishersandFarmers held onto Orange, a seat the party had won from the Nationals at a by-election, while also taking Barwon and Murray from the Nationals. [27], The Labor-held district of Lakemba will be abolished and largely replaced by the adjacent Bankstown. See SP bet help for more details. This status was further cemented in February 2022, when the Liberals lost the seat of Bega at a by-election to the Labor Party, causing the Coalition to slip to 45 seats in the 93-seat Assembly. The 2023 New South Wales State Election takes place on March 25, where Liberal (Coalition) and current premier Dominic Perrottet will try to remain in office. He also has a doctorate in health social science. Can I put my subscription or membership on hold? Internal splits within the government became apparent in August and September 2020, when proposed laws protecting the habitats of koalas resulted in Nationals leader JohnBarilaro threatening to refuse to support government legislation and sit on the crossbench, while still holding ministerial positions. The change on this occasion resulted from the October 2021 resignation of Gladys Berejiklian after ICAC announced a public inquiry into allegations arising from her secret relationship with former Wagga Wagga MP Daryl Maguire, who resigned from parliament in August 2018 over attempts to solicit payments from a Chinese developer. A valid active email address and Australian mobile phone number are required for account set up. Making seat by seat predictions in a New South Wales context is difficult, polling data is sparse and the diverse makeup of the state delivers ostensibly similar electorates with vastly different issues. He will have Prime Minister Anthony Albanese by his side rallying the party faithful. Party resignations cost the government its majority in early 2021, compounded by the loss of Bega to Labor at a by-election in February 2022. The 2023 New South Wales state election will be held on 25 March 2023 to elect the 58th Parliament of New South Wales, including all 93 seats in the Legislative Assembly and 21 of the 42 seats in the Legislative Council.The election will be conducted by the New South Wales Electoral Commission (NSWEC).. Not in conjunction with any other offer. Seven News, New South Wales, tunnel | 0 views, 1 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from 7NEWS Sydney: 21 days out from the 2023 NSW state election, NSW Labor leader Chris. They will be challenged by the LaborParty, led by OppositionLeader ChrisMinns. They will be challenged by the Labor Party, led by Opposition Leader Chris Minns. The first leaders' debate was held on Thursday, 9 February 2023 on 2GB. Liberal rivals block NSW minister David Elliotts last-ditch attempt to revive his career, How does the NSW governments renewable energy plan stack up against Labors? Before GovConnex Research is published here, it's sent exclusively to GovConnex Platform subscribers. The next New South Wales Election will be conducted on March 25, 2023. putting customer at the centre of everything we do. Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? The messy family drama behind one of the world's biggest K-pop empires, Elections are done differently in NSW and this one has some early own goals, NSW Labor makes $400 million education promise, Self-help author Marianne Williamson launches primary challenge against Joe Biden for 2024 Democratic nomination, Chinese migrants walked a gruelling 500km to Victoria's goldfields in the 19th century. [2] Following a meeting between the Premier and Deputy Premier in the morning of 11 September, the Nationals backed down on their decision to move to the crossbench. However, we hope that hedging our analysis across a variety of factors will provide your organisation with the best possible vision to mitigate against any surprises and give you more detail than a traditional 2PP poll. This prompted both Minns and the then Shadow Treasurer, Walt Secord, to resign from the front bench and demand McKay's resignation, which was duly forthcoming. The Greens, the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party, other minor parties and several independents will also contest the election. Add your NSW Government agency's grants . This guide includes a history of the elected Legislative Council, list of sitting MLCs, list of winnable candidates, 2019 results and assessment of the parties chances. Our Privacy Policy includes important information about our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information (including to provide you with targeted advertising based on your online activities). In This Story: New South Wales. [10] Both Sidoti and Ward's resignations meant the government was officially in minority status. Labour is set to stay in power in Wales after matching its best-ever Senedd election result, with exactly half of the 60 seats in the Welsh Parliament. A by-election is held when a seat in the House of Assembly of the South Australian Parliament becomes vacant. Something went wrong while submitting the form. Renewals occur unless cancelled as per full Terms and Conditions. Home delivery is not available in all areas. The Welsh Parliament is based in the Senedd building in Cardiff Welsh voters have gone to the polls to elect members of the Welsh Parliament, also known as Senedd Cymru. [4] At a subsequent Liberal party room meeting, Liberal deputy leader and New South Wales Treasurer DominicPerrottet was chosen as her successor. To make the most accurate predictions we consulted electoral experts from different jurisdictions to determine best-in-class practice. Each payment, once made, is non-refundable, subject to law. Prices after the introductory pricing period may be varied in accordance with the full Terms and Conditions. Independents Greg Piper and Alex Greenwich both retained the seats of Lake Macquarie and Sydney, respectively, while Joe McGirr successfully held on to the seat of Wagga Wagga he won in a by-election. On 29 March 2022, the Supreme Court of NSW dissolved the Christian Democratic Party. Going In-Play. Rachel Evans was one of the founders of the grassroots marriage equality campaign in Sydney, and is a journalist with Green Left. This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 14:13, Post-electionpendulumforthe2019NewSouthWalesstateelection, MembersoftheNewSouthWalesLegislativeAssembly,20192023, IndependentCommissionAgainstCorruption, MinisterforFamilies,CommunitiesandDisabilityServices, Pre-electionpendulumforthe2023NewSouthWalesstateelection, Candidatesofthe2023NewSouthWalesstateelectionRetiringMPs, Candidatesofthe2023NewSouthWalesstateelectionLabor, Candidatesofthe2023NewSouthWalesstateelectionLiberal, Candidatesofthe2023NewSouthWalesstateelectionNationals, Candidatesofthe2023NewSouthWalesstateelectionIndependent, Candidatesofthe2023NewSouthWalesstateelectionOther, Candidatesofthe2023NewSouthWalesstateelection, "iVotefailureelectionre-runsinKempsey,Singleton,ShellharbourtobeheldJuly30despiteeffortstopostpone", "KoalabillcausesNSWGovernmentcrisisasGladysBerejiklianwarnsJohnBarilaroNationalsministerswillbebootedfromcabinet", "NSWNationalsbackdownafterBerejiklian'sultimatum", "Live:'Couldn'tcomeataworsetime':Premier'sbombshellamid'darkestdaysinstate'shistory', "DominicPerrottetsworninastheyoungesteverNSWpremier-everythingyouneedtoknow", "ICACshouldhurryupandreleaseBerejiklian,Maguirefindings,formerjudgesays", "GarethWard:NSWprosecutortoconsidersexualviolenceclaimsagainstKiamaMP", "GarethWardchargedoverhistoricalallegationsofsexualassault", "NSWMPGarethWardsuspendedfromparliamentoverhistoricsexualabusecharges", "NSWMPJohnSidotijoinscrossbenchafterICACannouncesinquiryintopropertydealings", "VIDEO:NSWgovernmenttobeplungedfurtherintominority", "NSWMPAlexGreenwichthreatenstowithdrawsupplyfromPerrottetgovernmentover'attacks'ontranskids", "GroupthathelpedunseatafederalLiberalMPsetstheirsightsonNSWelection", "FredNilesaystheChristianDemocraticPartyisofficiallydead-EternityNews", "ThefutureofChristiansinPolitics-ChristinGovernment(FredNileAlliance)", "FormerLaborMPswitchestoOneNationweeksbeforeNSWelection", "VIDEO:DominicPerrottetapologisesforwearingaNaziuniform", "DominicPerrottetNazicostume:SeniorministersrallytoinsulateNSWpremier", "NSWLaborleaderChrisMinnssaysDominicPerrottet'sNaziuniformapologyis'sincere', https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/politics/police-awaiting-report-on-dominic-perrottets-nazi-costume-after-mps-threats/news-, "TwomonthsbeforeNSWelection,anewpollgivesLaborabiglead", "NSWPremierDominicPerrottettrumpsLaborleaderChrisMinnsinonlinepollfollowingheatedfirststateelectiondebate", "ReportoftheElectoralDistrictsRedistributionPanelonthedraftdeterminationofthenamesandboundariesofelectoraldistrictsofNewSouthWales", "Namesandboundariesofelectoraldistricts", "ElectoralPendulumforthe2023NSWElectionAntonyGreen'sElectionBlog", "NSWLaborMPWaltSecordtoretirefrompoliticsfollowingallegationsofbullying", "SittingLaborMLC'sAdamSearle,WaltSecord(retiring)andShaoquettMoselmanehavebeendumpedfromtheALPUpperHouseticket. All rights reserved. [12] The following month the Opposition Leader Chris Minns stated the Labor Party would not move or support a motion of no confidence against the government or seek to deny it supply, indicating the government will be able to serve the full term and avoid a snap election. 21 days out from the 2023 NSW state election, NSW Treasurer Matt Kean and Roads Minister Natalie Ward visited Milperra to announce a $200 million upgrade of Henry Lawson Drive. A by-election can occur at any time, so it is important to keep your name and address up to date on the electoral roll. NSW election 2023 Latest news, comment and analysis on the New South Wales state election 23 February 2023 NSW Labor to join Dylan Alcott in public sector disability jobs drive if. Australia News; Politics; New South Wales Government promises to deliver 30,000 electric vehicle charging stations if it wins at March election. This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 14:13. Independents GregPiper and AlexGreenwich both retained the seats of LakeMacquarie and Sydney, respectively, while JoeMcGirr successfully held on to the seat of WaggaWagga he won in a by-election. A devout Catholic, he was also noted as a factional operative of the hard right. Niko is an enrolled nurse, who specialises in the mental health of older people. morning, Available for everyone, funded by readers. How can it be stopped? Labor will not proceed with metro extensions to connect the Badgerys Creek airport with Westmead, or link the Southwest Metro from Bankstown to Glenfield. Prime Minister Scott Morrison congratulated Berejiklian and the NSW Liberal . lotto 10:29am Mar 1, 2023 New poll suggests Labor set to dethrone Coalition in NSW election Labor is currently on track to form government at the upcoming New South Wales state election, according to a new poll. You can use the following navigation to click through to each seats profile. [5] Findings about the case are unlikely to be released prior to the election. Each priority has an ambitious target. Allow up to 5 days for home delivery to commence. This automatically renews to be charged as $24 (min. This is an excerpt of the pre-election pendulum, based on notional margins calculated by the ABC's Antony Green.