Use your orderly visual search pattern to keep your eyes moving and your driving safe and legal. More than 20,000 people died on American roadways from January to June, the highest total for the first half of any year since 2006. Forbes Advisor found a total of 31.5% of male survey respondents admitted to quick lane switches and other aggressive driving behaviors compared with 21.4% of females. Correct Answer: muscles Question 298: Alcohol is quick to find its way to the brain because _____. Those without a traffic light or stop sign are especially dangerous. Hidden driveways In New Hampshire, for example, fatal crashes are more common in rural areas in 2019, 42% of fatal accidents occurred in urban areas, and 58% of fatalities occurred in rural areas. 35% of all fatal accidents occur between 6:00 pm and midnight. Because traffic traveling in both directions can use the center lane to turn left, there's a great potential for conflict within the lane. Fatality related to motor vehicle traffic is the number one cause of accidental death and motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death for people ages _____. Fines are doubled for violations committed in construction zones when workers are present or the traffic flow is regulated or restricted. 0000014625 00000 n Home; . The width of roadways in the country can vary widely. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. All you need to do is call us at (603) 288-1403 or contact us online to get started today. The login page will open in a new tab. Nationwide, fatal crashes occur slightly more often in urban areas, but the data varies by state. Is the curve banked? Best control your vehicle with hand-over-hand steering. Only in 1/1000 is the speed at 86 mph. About 20 percent of motor vehicle crash deaths result from a vehicle leaving the roadway and hitting a fixed object alongside the road. Watch for signs and reduce your speed as you approach one of these communities and watch for vehicles pulling onto the highway from the side of the road. You can reduce your vehicle's blind spot by _____. Proceed with extra caution at night, as drivers may forget to turn on their lights as they prepare to enter or leave a gas station or other roadside destination. Driving at night. Signal that you intend to turn left and stop at the edge of the roadway 0000004456 00000 n when a driver is turning right. During each mile you drive, up to _____ events you need to interpret can occur. While many people expect a larger number of accidents to occur in urban areas, the reality is that far more fatal accidents take place on rural two lane roads. One soup is thick (e.g., cream of mushroom), the other a watery liquid (e.g., chicken broth). Combining two drugs can intensify the effects. Additionally, driving on rural roads tends to be more deadly because: Make lane changes in construction zones as early and as safely as possible. In general, for males it takes the liver up to _____ to process approximately one drink. The executive summary is here (see vii), and the two-part final report is here and here. When exiting a one-way street, check the road ahead to determine whether the street you're turning onto is a one-way or two-way street. Not all roads in the highway transportation system are the same. Inattention is generally caused by concentration on _____. Avoid alcohol and minimize the amount of caffeine you consume. Finally, holidays can increase the likelihood of collisions as well. Slow-moving and Non-standard Vehicles Some of the most important car crash statistics relate to collision causes. drivers of all ages are likely to be involved in intersection-related crashes due to illegal maneuver or driving aggressively or too fast for conditions. You may need to apply the brakes or shift to a lower gear. Never cross a line of cones. . This guide explains, among other things, top causes of crashes, likely victims and states where crashes are most likely to occur. Urban driving presents challenges to all drivers. Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. Knowing the causes of possible car accidents could help you avoid getting involved in a collision of your own. Reduce your speed and move to Lane Position 3 when you near the crest of a hill. Only about 20% of accidents occur during daylight hours. In 2013, there were 1.88 fatalities per hundred million miles traveled in rural areas but only 0.73 fatalities per hundred million miles traveled in urban areas. Hills and curves add extra danger because they block a driver's view of the road ahead and cause drivers to travel faster or slower than is safe. If you can drive the vehicle, the law requires you to move it out of the flow of traffic. The majority of collisions in urban driving occur at intersections when turning. If you shut off the engine altogether, the gasoline in the hot engine may vaporize and you'll have to wait for the engine to cool completely to proceed. All drugs issued under a prescription _____. Read more: The majority of collisions in urban driving occur at intersections, and most of those collisions occur? Line of sight restrictions caused by bushes, trees, signs, parked cars, or homes to 7 percent of urban fatal crashes. Traffic jams can be especially common on State Route 101 near Manchester and Interstate 93 near Concord and Manchester. More speeding fatalities In California, when is it OK for a child under 8 years old and 4 feet 9 inches in height to ride in the front seat of a vehicle? 0000001916 00000 n Best Personal Injury Lawyers In Los Angeles, CA, Best Personal Injury Lawyers In New York City, Best Personal Injury Lawyers In San Francisco, CA, Best Personal Injury Lawyers In San Antonio, TX, Best Personal Injury Lawyers In San Diego, CA, Best Personal Injury Lawyers In Dallas, TX, Driving through red lights (32.2% compared with 30% of females), Driving 15 miles per hour or more over the speed limit (52% of males compared with 44.6% of females). This means less than 1% of all motor vehicle accidents result in a death.[11]. Correct Answer: good Question 297: If you have to drive on a long trip, wearing your seatbelt prevents your _____ from tiring so quickly. On narrow roads with limited traffic and limited visibility, driving through a curve towards the right can be especially problematic because drivers approaching from the opposite direction are more likely to veer over the centerline and into your lane. A shocking 10% of all teenagers in high school admit to drinking and driving, [16] while 17% of high schoolers indicate they have gotten into a car at least once with a driver who has consumed alcohol prior to operating the vehicle. Poor Weather Conditions Head on collisions can also occur due to hydroplaning in wet conditions, drowsy driving, drunk driving, speeding and losing control, and a variety of other scenarios where a driver displays a high level of negligence. These car crash statistics are likely explained by the fact passenger cars are very common on roadways. roadways. 0000015206 00000 n Yield to any pedestrians on the sidewalk and any traffic using the roadway. Question 296: The majority of drivers involved in collisions are people who have a _____driving record. A total of 35% of all fatal motor vehicle accidents occurred due to impaired driving. It takes more time and effort to complete any maneuver on a mountain road than it does at sea level. Is a speed you can exceed if you have control of your vehicle. Drink two to three times more fluid than usual (water and juices are best). The rear seats are side-facing jump seats. Bicyclists, skaters, and skateboarders Hidden Farm Driveways and Side Roads Each of these surfaces provides a different amount of traction, so your car's grip on the road might change. Drivers may also think the. [22] Men were also more likely to admit to: Despite this discrepancy, drivers of both genders take unacceptable risks on the road, with a total of 80% of motorists admitting to aggressive driving behaviors. [32], There is a bright spot among car accident statistics. If you have to drive on a long trip, wearing your seatbelt prevents your _____ from tiring so quickly. 0000530896 00000 n By law, if you are involved in a collision, _____. To turn left in heavy traffic using the shared lane, enter the lane, slow down or stop until an adequate gap is available, and complete the turn when oncoming traffic is clear. Traffic Circles Slowing down or "rolling through" a STOP sign is _____. However the . Be alert to changing lane conditions, obstructions, and the traffic around you. [13], Get Your Free Consultation From a Top Lawyer, Car accident statistics show people of all ages can become involved in motor vehicle accidents. Perception distance, reaction distance, and braking distance. Nothing, As long as you don't get caught. Begin to adjust your speed and lane position as soon as possible. Editorial Note: We earn a commission from partner links on Forbes Advisor. (1) The most thorough analysis of crash causation, the Tri-Level Study of the Causes of Traffic Accidents published in 1979, found that "human errors and deficiencies" were a definite or probable cause in 90-93% of the incidents examined. Don't let boredom lead to inattention! Drive in a low gear to reduce the speed of your car. At higher elevations, your car will have less horsepower and it will take more effort to perform standard maneuvers. The complex integrated system made up of roadways, vehicles, and drivers is called _____. Because this is a tricky maneuver, drivers are more likely to get into a collision while backing up. Check for drivers approaching from the right preparing or waiting to turn left To avoid velocitation on highways and expressways, check your speedometer regularly. Pulling into traffic from the roadside in front of a truck without accelerating sufficiently. Pennsylvania had the highest estimated number of auto claims (156,176). If you are in a collision and no one is hurt, don't wait for the police before moving your vehicle. A total of 51% of all Montana car accidents involve intoxicated drivers. 2. The use of turn signals and your _____ are the methods of communicating to other road users that are used most often. Decreasing Radius Curves become tighter as the driver proceeds through the curve. When driving in the right lane of the road or while looking for a parking spot, pay attention to the actions of other drivers on the road. A total of 88,107 motorcycle accidents occurred in the U.S. in 2020, 82,528 of which resulted in injury. 0000013162 00000 n This means that a driver in a rural area is almost three times more likely to be involved in a fatal collision than one in an urban area that drives the same number of miles. 0000057143 00000 n . When driving in the city, look ahead for traffic hazards and be prepared for detours. Special signal lights posted over these lanes will indicate to drivers whether they may or may not drive in the lane. If parts are replaced when you have work done on your vehicle, _____. While there are a number of hazards associated with rural roads, drivers may be less likely to notice them because they are difficult to see from a distance and because drivers can become inattentive due to the monotony of driving. If you hear or see an emergency vehicle approaching within _____, you must safely pull over to the right-hand edge or curb.