He was admitted to the bar in Louisville, and in that city successfully practiced his profession until his death in 1849. Various colorings, defined, The eight-digit number below each date is the number assigned to each location in the, National Register of Historic Places in Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana, List of National Historic Landmarks in Louisiana, National Register of Historic Places listings in Louisiana, "National Register of Historic Places: Weekly List Actions", "Preservation in Print, Volume 31, Number 7", "National Register of Historic Places Evaluation/Return Sheet: Clarendon Plantation House", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=National_Register_of_Historic_Places_listings_in_Avoyelles_Parish,_Louisiana&oldid=1120946236. He is in every respect self-made, and the property of which is now the owner has been obtained through his own individual efforts. In 1865) Mr. Ganthier began merchandising at his present place of business, and now carries a large and complete stock. the best proof of his skill and care. He is the owner of 2,000 acres of land, valued at not less than $51,000, and besides this has his store. Copy imperfect: Mounted on paper, sealed in mylar and losses along the edges. Mr. Prescott and the whole family are members of the although a resident of Marksville, La., was born in Mobile, Ala., October 3, 1842, but at the age of eleven years came to Louisiana, and grew to manhood in St. Landry Parish, where he received an excellent literary education, and afterward finished his knowledge of books in a school of Bingham, N. C., graduating in the classical course. Louisianans by birth, and the father was a prosperous planter of Eastern Louisiana for many years. In 1843 he entered the medical department of the University of Louisiana (now Tulane University), from which he graduated in 1845. The Library of Congress does notown rights to material in its collections. Since 1858 he has been a notary public and magistrate most of the time up to the present. by whom he also has three children: Louise, Zepherine find Douglas. In 1859 Mr. Joffrion was the Democratic candidate for sheriff of Avoyelles Parish, and he and his opponent, received the same number of votes, necessitating another election, which resulted in the election of his opponent by In the beginning of 1863 Mr. Howard enlisted in Company B. Eighth Louisiana merchant of Bunkie, La., he has built up a large paying trade He was born in St. As a leading In January, 1856, he entered Centre College at Danville, Ky., and completed a scientific course. were both natives of Virginia, in which State they grew to mature years, and in Fox, was a native of Montville, Conn., and was a distinguished Episcopal minister of the diocese of Mississippi. and grew under his management. Dr. Tarleton's career as a practitioner and He delivered an address at the meeting of the National Press In 1850 he entered the junior class at Center College, Danville, Ky., but left there after six mouths to begin the study of law under Judge T. B. Monroe, of Frankfort, Ky. 1873. Avoyelles Parish, for be wdio bears it is a native born resident of the parish, Due to variable film quality, handwriting He, died in his native State in 187(5, when in his eighty-ninth year, and the mother died in the same State in 1864. Roane of Virginia and great-grand-daughter of Patrick Henry. He was a member of the Dr. A. G. Pearce received the most of his literary education fit the Louisiana State University and completed the same at Georgetown, Ky. Clarendon Plantation, Avoyelles parish, in the 1930s LDL / State Library of Louisiana / State Library of Louisiana Historic Photograph Collection details share Medium sized JPEG 34.56 KiB AWS S3 Properties Manifest 147 B Image Object Open Image Viewer B&W photo, circa 1930s. He is a member of the Louisiana State Medical Society. Mr. Ewell is a gentleman who has been' exceptionally successful in his career as a planter, and owing to his desire to keep out of the old ruts, and to his ready adoption of new and improved Joseph Rabalais, his Railroads appeared before the Civil War, though at first were used to link waterways. La., is one of the successful business men of the parish, and has After his wife's death he began the study of medicine, and graduated from the University of Louisiana, now Tulane University, in March, 1880. She and her husband were both members of the Those who have found a free ancestor on the 1860 Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana census can check this list to learn if their ancestor was one of the larger slaveholders in the Parish. FORMER SLAVES. Therefore, it does not license or charge permission fees for use of such material and cannot grant or deny permission to publish or otherwise distribute the material. his brother John, who was the father of Chief Justice Marshall. verge of mankind, and much could be said in his praise were he not one of these that would that " the left hand should not know what the right hand doeth." twenty-three years he was married to Miss Mary Botts, in Avoyelles Parish, who died leaving three children: Uncas, Oneida and Winonga. Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Bunkie, Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana. Capt. His second union was to Miss Florence Waddill. Do a Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana Genealogy Place-name search for these and other records in the. When nineteen years of age, he came to Dr. L. Rabalais was attending school at St. Joseph's College, Natchitoches Parish, at the breaking out of the war, and filled with au earnest desire to aid the A. Hollinsbead, M. D., of Evergreen, La., is a physician of undoubted ability and a gentleman of rare personal qualities. He had accumulated a large estate at the time of his death in 1863, when but forty-six years of age, and was especially prominent in educational matters, He is deeply interested in his profession, and has remarkable tact at elucidation. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport: Northwestern State University of Louisiana: Vermilionville Living History Museum and Folklife Park: Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center New Orleans, Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Shreveport, Vermilionville Living History Museum & Folklife Park. PLANTATION NAMES. On coming to the United States he was accompanied by He attended the public schools of the town in his youth, and Mrs. Ganthier has in her possession a chair, which was made for the first White child born in that parish. south, and settled in the beautiful region of Louisiana, known as the Teche Review he does till in his power to improve the morals of this section and to build up the community. daughter of F. C. Monnin, a native of France. born and reared a Democrat, in 1807 he was elected a member of the police jury, and by that body was made president. Significance: Clarendon Plantation House, located in Avoyelles Parish Louisiana was originally constructed circa 1842. The paternal grandfather was a native of Georgia, and (he maternal grandfather was a native of North Carolina, and was ti surveyor by profession. at Washington in 1877, and is a member of the American Medical Association. Do the Access Advisory or Call Number fields above indicate that a non-digital surrogate exists, Avoyelles Parish Marriages Return to Marriage Index. most learned and skilled physician in this part of the State. His parents, W.. O. and Minerva (Frith) Pearce, wore both natives also of Avoyelles Parish, and both were descendants of prominent families of this section of the State. Of his marriage, three children were bornone son and two daughters the son, E. Bascom Joffrion, was born on February 27, 1802, and died ou November 24, 1884. The dogtrot and other minor alterations were made in 1967. Mr. Irion lost his first wife in 1878, and in 1875) be wedded Miss Alice Mort, of Now Orleans. To his marriage have been born nine children: Amedee, Amanda (wife of Arcade Rabalais), Gelcina (wife of P. Rabalais), Ezilda (wife of Arcade La Cour), J. D., Anna (wife of F. J. Beyt), Clara (wife of D. C. Chaliau), Mary and Eugene (wife of E. N. Dufour). having died while in charge of the institute, the school had deteriorated rapidly, and when Mr. [citation needed], Transportation at the time was extremely limited. Mr. Wier's predecessor In 1859 he was married to Miss Caroline King, of Opelousas, and the daughter of Valentine King, of one of the prominent Louisiana families. Avoyelles Parish residents have traditionally lived quiet lives on small farms. thought, and action (ban in Germany." succeeding his graduation he was principal of St. Joseph's Academy of Baton Rouge, which school was very flourishing under his management. Dwight, at the same time taking lectures in the Law University. voted any other ticket. The Napoleonic Wars and the Embargo Act of 1807 restricted European trade, which did not recover until the end of the War of 1812 in 1815. He has also been superintendent of public instruction for Avoyelles Parish, and [citation needed] The Year without a summer of 1816 resulted in famine in Europe and a wave of immigration to the U.S., with New Orleans being the destination of many refugees. Agricultural commodity prices remained depressed for many years, but their eventual recovery resulted in a new wave of land clearing, which in turn triggered another depression in the late 1830s. Rosa Cailletean. He was at Port Hudson from its first occupation to its surrender, and was here taken prisoner and paroled. He was married in 1881 to Miss Mary Tanner, a daughter of Edward Tanner, and socially is a member of Lodge No. The mother's maiden name was Clemence Rabalais. In 1.86! without mention of Mr. Ewell among others, engaged in tilling the soil. Historically housing for enslaved people on Louisiana plantations (prior to the reconstruction era), featured cabins consisting of two rooms, with one family in each room. one by his second. Rapids Parish, La., in 1822, at which time he purchased a large plantation on Bayou Robert, which be successfully operated until his death in 1828, his wife passing from life in 1835. Whether or not the ancestor is found to have been a slaveholder, a viewing of the slave census will provide an informed sense of the extent of slavery in the ancestral Parish, particularly for those who have never viewed a slave census. Evergreen Avoyelles Parish Louisiana, 1933. Besides enjoying to au unlimited extent the confidence and respect of all who know him, he comes of an old and respected family of Virginia. When a young man, he was married in Halifax County, to Miss Rebecca Hunt, of one of the old Virginia families, and a cousin of Mimmiken Hunt, who was the first minister to the United States from the Republic of Texas. In connection with this she is managing a hotel, and as she at. upon finishing his education was well equipped to make his own way in the world. A certain lot or parcel of land situated and lying in the Parish of Avoyelles on Bayou Boeuf; it is well understood, that the land hereby purchased in the whole front of the original tract, as purchased by the said vendor, and running back so far as to include all the buildings and improvements erected thereon, and thence to the nearest point on Her present position in life has Another two properties were once listed but have been removed. He is a As a result of his marriage was the birth of eight childrenfive daughters and three sonstwo married: Leone (wife of E. J. Beredon, of Mansura), Elize (wife of Dr. T. A. Documentation Compiled After. Her father was L. H. Convillion, and her mother The clay soil settled farther away from the rivers and being less stable, it slumped to muddy back-swamps. Mrs. Joffrion lived only eighteen months after marriage, and left no issue. He has written and published a few things in prose and poetry in local journals, but disclaims any pretention to the name and dignity of writer. The Mr. Irion devoted his entire time to planting, and was successful in this occupation. and resided there as a prosperous farmer until the year 1857, when he removed Through his instrumentality he raised the growth of cotton from 718 to over 7,000 bales per year, and he also took au active part in building up the Dr. Owens was She She is a very intelligent find highly thorough student of medicine has won for him no less a reputation than has his personal character as a citizen and neighbor. The father is now living in Marksville, but the mother is deceased. Louisiana tax records can be used in place of missing censuses and provide lists of residents during years between censuses. It is said of him that his decisions were never reversed by the Appellate Court. distinction at the bar by his talents and eloquence, winning a well earned PWey, of Hamburg, La., was born in Switzerland County, Ind., in 1840, am! Had been Francis Routh's cotton plantation; and the land is now part of the. was married to Miss Annie Taylor, of St. Landry Parish, by whom he has three bright children, two sons and one daughter. After serving in the Confederate Army for some time, he was obliged to discontinue Judge Thomas Overton, after ..acquiring the rudiments of an education in this State, was sent to the University of Virginia, In his journalistic work he is noted for his fearless denunciation of dishonest measures, and for his upholding of the right at all times, the strength of logic which he brings to bear being forcible and unanswerable. being intelligent and industrious he made excellent progress in his books, and Convillion, a daughter of Zelian Convillion. E. Ganthier, merchant and planter, the most progressive men in his views in the parish. Louisiana (New Spain) was transferred by Spain to France in 1800, but it remained under Spanish administration until a few months before the Louisiana Purchase. After becoming the mother of one daughter Mrs. Marshall died in 1872, and after remaining a widower for four years Mr. Marshall married Alice, daughter of Other materials require appointments for later the same day or in the future. have been set on foot in this parish, and in 1884 represented Avoyelles Parish at the World's Exposition, being appointed tax assessor of the parish the same year. The following are the most historically and genealogically relevant populated places in this county:[5]. the appreciation in which they are held than has Dr. Rabalais. On account of ill health, the hither emigrated to New Orleans in 1845), followed his trade there until 1850, and then removed to Marksville, where he was actively engaged in business up to the time of his death, from yellow fever, in 1855, the maternal grandmother, father and uncle all dying of this fatal scourge. Association, on "The Relations of the Press to the Country and especially to the having been one of the founders and largest stockholders in Evergreen Home Institute. Regard. Raised plantation home along False River representing the early Creole Greek Revival period. He then removed to Marksville, the parish seat, and there began the practice of his profession, soon acquiring a large and lucrative practice. Completed in 1790, the site of a tribunal after, Composed of 39 buildings, Evergreen Plantation is an intact major. The LDL is built withIslandora, an open source digital library system based onFedora,Drupal, andSolr. The following September, he opened a school in St. Landry Parish, taught there for one session, and in the fall of 1889, he was elected principal of Evergreen Home Institute, at Evergreen, La. surgeon, and soon after the second battle of Manassas, he was promoted to The father was a fanner and was quite a prominent man. Roman The father was a descendant of one of the wealthy and prominent families of that country. He and wife both died in France, the father in 1874 and the mother in 1857. clerk of the district court, and served with distinction until May, 1888, when be began the practice of the law in partnership with Judge A. He was a fashionable tailor, and followed his trade in Paris for many years. This National Park Service list is complete through NPS recent listings posted February 24, 2023. The maternal grandfather was of German ancestry, and the maternal grandmother was a Cleveland, of the same family as Ex-President Cleveland. He was born in Auch, France, in 1842, and is the son of Emeric and Berthe (Gardere) de Nux, natives also of France. Annie L. is the wife of Clifton Cannon, and See Louisiana Probate Records for more information. color or tint (assuming the original has any), you can generally purchase a quality copy of [1], Avoyelles Parish Courthouse312 N Main Street Marksville, LA 71351Phone: 318.253.9208 Parish Clerk has marriage and land records from 1908, probate records from 1925, court records from 1929, divorce records from 1939 and military records from 1886 . estimable lady arc members of the Catholic Church. He was married in 1871, in Philadelphia, to Miss Mary L. Fisher, by whom he has two sons and three daughters. Daniel Bester Hudson, general merchant, Eola, La. Larger plantations were noted in the Bunkie area with added sugar cane farming. been a member of the town council. Besides the necessity of river transportation, the ground near the rivers and old river channels contained the best agricultural land, where the sandy and silty soil settled, increasing the height of the natural levees. Southern Pacific Railroad, and was its first president. In March, 1859, he came to Mansura, La., where be has remained the principal part of the time since. The County was named for the Avoyel Native Americans. He has a typical home in Marksville, which is adorned with all that taste can suggest or money purchase, in which he and family live in the lordly style of the opulent McEnery, He has met with phenomenal success as a physician, and today stands at the head among his medical brethren. [2] Map all coordinates using: OpenStreetMap B. Irion was reared in Avoyelles Parish, and prepared for a collegiate course in the private schools of St. Landry Parish, subsequently graduating from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in the class of 1855. Reproduced from The Bunkie Record - November 7, 2019 Police Juros Charles Jones and John Earles stand with sign shop employees Anthony Deselle and Mike Dorsey, who erected the sign for Holmesville Road. Eloi Joffrion, planter, Mansura, La. Linking He was born in this parish on February 23, 1854, to James B. and Mr. Mayer now carries a stock of goods valued at about $8,000, and does an annual business of from $10,000 to $12,000. Country, where the celebrated poem, Longfellow's "Evangeline."