Log in with your UNI and password to view the full list. ags8@columbia.edu
Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Affiliates Yaakov Stern . Barbara and David Zalaznick Professor of Business; Faculty Director of the Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics, Management Division Faculty Director, Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. Center for Leadership and Ethics Modupe Akinola is an Associate Professor of Management at Columbia Business School. Professor, Barnard College
Mailing Address. , (212) 854-2420, Farber, Hannah
Faculty Directory Find a Faculty Member All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Floyd Abrams Lecturer in Law Send an email Esinam M. Agbemenu Lecturer in Law Send an email Ashraf Ahmed Associate Professor of Law (212) 854-1261 Send an email Kayum Ahmed Lecturer in Law Send an email Amna Akbar Visiting Senior Research Scholar Faculty of the Department of History, East Asian Languages and Cultures (E), Barnard Department of History (B), and other schools or departments (O). Participants who were asked their intention to engage in various behaviors were more likely to change their actual behavior in situations where mentally simulating the behavior was relatively easy. By continuing to use this website, you consent to Columbia University's usage of cookies and similar technologies, in accordance with the Columbia . about Is There Too Much Benchmarking in Asset Management? Professor of Neuropsychology, Medical School. Created with Sketch. Seth Low Professor of History; Director of the Center for Science and Society
James L. Dohr Professor of Accounting, Accounting Division. ptc2121@columbia.edu
Professor, Barnard College
Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of History
Andrew and Virginia Rudd Family Foundation Professor of History
Welcome Faculty and Staff More than 900 Mailman School faculty and staff are integral to our aspirations in the classroom, laboratory, office, or clinic. I develop a model of group decision-making, in which a committee generates proposals and holds open discussions, but the ultimate decision is either taken by a leader (decision by authority) or by majority vote. Vikram S. Pandit Professor of Business, Decision, Risk, and Operations Division. Hours: Monday-Thursday 10 am - 10 pm. First Day of Classes (Spring term) 1/22/2024. See Coronavirus Updates for information on campus protocols. 420 West 118th Street Nietzsche), 19th and 20th century European social and political philosophy, Metaphysics, especially free will, moral responsibility, autonomy, determinism, and causality, Early Modern Philosophy; esp. , (212) 854-5035, Phillips-Fein, Kim
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { rik2101@columbia.edu, Ko, Dorothy Y. Dorothy Borg Associate Professor in the History of the United States and East Asia. Faculty Directory | Columbia SIPA Faculty Directory SIPA's faculty unites researchers and practitioners from around the world to form a unique educational community. Enter your UNI and Password. Professor
, (212) 854-3002, Stephens, Rhiannon
, (212) 851-5932, Lurie, David (E)
We examine the mere-measurement effect, wherein simply asking a behavioral intent question increases the probability of subsequently engaging in the behavior. , (212) 854-4876, Ngai, Mae
Assuming that unsatisfied demand is backlogged, the firm incurs three types of costs: (i) procurement costs, (ii) inventory-carrying costs for units carried over from one period to the next, and (iii) backlogging costs. Associate Professor
by mail, e-mail, telephone, or other means is prohibited. Yared teaches Global Economic Environment, a Core MBA course in macroeconomics for which he received the Deans Award for Teaching Excellence. Chavkin-Chang Professor of Leadership in the Faculty of Business, Graduate School of Business. Columbia Business School faculty members are world-renowned not only for generating new thinking in their fields but also for having a genuine impact on current business practices. Our Faculty Teachers College is home to some of the world's most influential faculty in the fields of Education, Psychology, Health and Leadership. , (212) 854-5294, Carnes, Mark (B)
Mary and David Boies Professor of American History
Richard W. Bulliet Assistant Professor of Islamic History
Russell and Bettina Knapp Associate Professor of American Jewish History
415 Knox Hall Aftab Ahmad Senior Lecturer in Hindi-Urdu Language aa3070@columbia.edu Office Hours: Mon 1-2PM; Wed 1-2PM 309 Knox Hall May Ahmar Senior Lecturer in Arabic Language ma2550@columbia.edu Office Hours: On Leave Finance Office. mw3528@columbia.edu, Zelin, Madeleine (E)
In addition to numerous articles published in several languages, she recently co-edited two interdisciplinary volumesCadver exquisito: tres experiencias de investigacin performativa en Chile(Oso Liebre, 2020) andWomen Mobilizing Memory(Columbia University Press, 2019). Faculty Directory Showing 1 - 10 of 192 Cory Abate-Shen, PhD Departments/Divisions Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Department of Pathology & Cell Biology, Department of Urology Research Interests Genitourinary cancer development, Molecular mechanisms of cancer development Academic Appointments dweiman@barnard.edu
mc2028@columbia.edu, Coatsworth, John H.
, (212) 854-0547, Jones, Matthew L.
To find out general information about a department at the University, go to the Directory main page and enter the department's name or partial name in the "Find Departments" box. Associate Professor of Japanese History and Literature, East Asian Languages and Cultures
. The pages here provide information for all employees and links to other helpful sites within Columbia University. pf3@columbia.edu
Our professors routinely partner with businesses in New York and across the globe to test, refine, and implement new ideas for the ever-changing business landscape. , (212) 851-5911, enocak, Neslihan
, (212) 854-4350, Khalidi, Rashid
Columbia Business School Professor Abby Joseph Cohen recently joined former Dean Glenn Hubbard to discuss the forces that could shape the economy and markets in the year ahead. /* ----------------------------------------- */, Columbia University in the City of New York. Professor, Department of French and Romance Philology
mlilla@columbia.edu, Lipman, Andrew (B)
, (212) 854-2421, Karjoo-Ravary, Ali
, (212) 851-5914, Erickson, Ansley T. (O)
Governments are expected to set the environmental protection rules for companies in their respective countries, and markets are expected to adjust to the new regulations and carbon prices. New York, NY 10027 In multiple experiments we show that manipulations that should affect the ease of a mental representation or simulation of the behavior in question influence the extent of the mere-measurement phenomenon. Tel (212) 854-2993, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH, PROFESSOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AND PROFESSOR OF REHABILITATION AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, CYRUS DERMAN ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS RESEARCH, '74; VICE CHAIR; PRESIDENT AND CEO (RETIRED), BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANES, Columbia University in the City of New York, Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. His current computational research focuses on methods and software for more flexible exploration and . jms2533@columbia.edu, Stanislawski, Michael
Serry has taught screenwriting at NYU Tisch School of the Arts, The University of Georgia, the Feirstein Graduate School of Cinema, Sarah Lawrence College, and Hunter College. Prior to joining Columbia, she taught at NYU for 15 years. Courtney C. Brown Professor of Business, Management Division. From the Directory main page, you may browse faculty and staff or students by first name or last name. She is a former Sentinel staff writer and editor. , (212) 854-4733, Tooze, Adam
You can contact the staff of the Office of Career Services for more information about our services at careerservices@law.columbia.edu or by phone at 212-854-2684. We look forward to hearing from you. In a second, she studies how people regulate their attention and the implications for work performance. How Will Working From Home Impact Office Real Estate? How Will Business Behave in the New Normal? mm2669@columbia.edu
misuse of the Directory, such as harvesting of information for telemarketing purposes. Find contacts: direct phone number, email address, work experience. ats2171@columbia.edu
, (212) 851-5907, en, A. Tun
Modupe Akinola, an assistant professor of management at Columbia Business School, found that individuals produced works of significantly greater creativity after being primed with a negative stimulus. rrj2115@columbia.edu
Our faculty include world authorities on climate and health, HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention, healthy aging, maternal health, infectious disease, the history and ethics of public health, and strategies to strengthen healthcare systems. , (212) 854-3645, Guridy, Frank
His short films have been official selections at several film festivals. , (212) 854-2055, Witgen, Michael
Program in Arts. Associate Professor of History and Education
If your search retrieves more than 20 results, you may view only the first 20 results if you are not logged in. Professor, Barnard College
, (212) 854-3004, Force, Pierre (O)
Our university is known for its incredible faculty we have on staff. Directory Directory All Core Faculty Associate Faculty Affiliate Faculty (non-Columbia) Research Scientists Postdoctoral Research Scientists Admin/Staff Elham Azizi, PhD xc2546@columbia.edu, Cameron, Euan (O)
Assistant Professor
Astronomy and Astrophysics Department Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Department of Biological Sciences Department Biology (Barnard College) Biomedical Engineering Department Biomedical Informatics, Department of Biostatistics Department Cardiology, Division of Chemical Engineering Department Chemistry (Barnard College) jc988@columbia.edu
Our professors examine and address todays most challenging public policy issues at the local, national, and international levels. srs166@columbia.edu
This interchange of theory and practice is part of what makes the School such a rich environment for creating research that is truly groundbreaking. International Affairs Building, 13th Floor, 13th Floor International Affairs Building, International Affairs Building, Room 1323, Columbia SIPA Professor, Sociomedical Sciences
, (212) 854-8709, Ramgopal, Sailakshmi
, (212) 854-5682, John, Richard R. (O)
Where to Begin. Jonathan Gloveris the James L. Dohr Professor of Accounting and Chair of the Accounting Division at Columbia Business School. Admissions. Professor of Humanities
photo of Allison Aitken. Columbia University in the City of New York, Architecture, Planning, & Preservation, Graduate School of, Excellence in Accounting and Security Analysis (CEASA), Center for, Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict, and Complexity, Accelerated Program in Interdisciplinary Legal Education (Barnard College), Actuarial Science (School of Professional Studies), Physicians and Surgeons, Vagelos College of, Accessibility Map, Morningside Campus (pdf), Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing, Affirmative Action, Office of Equal Opportunity and, Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Department, Applied Linguistics Program, Teachers College. PhD, Princeton University. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Goldman Sachs: Erika Irish Brown '98, about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Goldman Sachs: Erika Irish Brown '98, Four Investment Strategies to Combat Climate Change. Learn about who they are, their credentials, and degrees taught. ma3179@columbia.edu, Baics, Gergely (B)
Columbia University Columbia University in the City of New York 665 West 130th Street, New York, NY 10027 212-854-1100 Privacy and Policy Statements Lung Family Professor of Asian American Studies and Professor of History
Columbia University 2023 Columbia University Accessibility Nondiscrimination Careers Built . , (212) 854-5526, George, Abosede (B)
Brown shared some of the measures shes put into place that address racial injustice and help move the organization toward a place of equity. Filter by topic. ec607@columbia.edu
about What Will Drive the Global Markets in 2023? /* WordPress Archive: Faculty Directory - end */ Omar Besbes's primary research interests are in the area of data-driven decision-making with a focus on applications in e-commerce, pricing and revenue management, online advertising, operations management and general service systems. Search. Click on the range that contains the person you are looking for; click the single arrow to advance to the next set of five pages; or click the double arrow to advance to the last page in the section you're currently browsing. pk2528@columbia.edu
/* ----------------------------------------- */, /* ----------------------------------------- */ The aim of such efforts has been to make businesses "internalize" the costs associated with greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Professor of Classics Chair, Classics
, (212) 854-5820, Naylor, Celia E. (B)
His research, which has been published in leading academic journals, focuses on macroeconomic policy and political economy. Associate Professor
Professor, Barnard College
Professor Abby Joseph Cohen, retired partner and formerly chief investment strategist for Goldman Sachs, shares her insights on the economic outlook, China's reopening, and the debt ceiling debate. img.alignleft { Assistant professor Baishakhi Ray has won a VMware Early Career Faculty Award to develop machine learning tools that will improve software security. Until fairly recently, the main approach to getting business to respond to climate change has been top-down efforts to regulate emissions and enact various forms of "carbon pricing." , (212) 854-2414, Pflugfelder, Gregory M. (E)
Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures
Adjunct faculty ensure that student learning objectives are met for the course for which . Search. Read more! Information in this Directory is provided solely for use by members of the Columbia University community and by ad19@columbia.edu, Diouf, Mamadou (O)
, (212) 851-0126, Colgrove, James
, (212) 854-5943, Chamberlin, Paul Thomas
Feedback /feedback. Ira D. Wallach Professor of History
Donald H. Gemson Assistant Professor; Sociomedical Sciences
, 212-854-2159, Cai, Xuexin (EALAC-Hist)
4035 South Riverpoint Parkway. Assistant Professor
Chief Radiation Safety Officer/Executive Director of RS Programs; Adjunct Professor of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics. , 212-853-4153, Piccato, Pablo A. Pflugfelder, Gregory M. (E) Associate Professor, East Asian Languages and Cultures. , (212) 854-1935, Moya, Jose C. (B)
He joined the faculty of Columbia University in 2000 and became full Professor in 2008. Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies
Professor, Barnard College
Interim Provost; Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History
Professor of History and French
.mobile-divider div { , (212) 853-0344, Coleman, Charly
@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { 500 W. 120th Street #510 Statistical Inference / Time-Series Modelling. , (212) 854-4096, Valenze, Deborah (B)
Columbia School of Social Work 1255 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027-5927 Go to map and directions. His research interests include financial and managerial accounting, public policy, accounting history, information economics, mechanism design, incentive theory, and relational contracts. Why a Group Needs a Leader: Decision-Making and Debate in Committees, about Why a Group Needs a Leader: Decision-Making and Debate in Committees, Governance and Climate Change: A Success Story in Mobilizing Investor Support for Corporate Responses to Climate Change, about Governance and Climate Change: A Success Story in Mobilizing Investor Support for Corporate Responses to Climate Change, 5 Questions About Value Investing and Finance, about 5 Questions About Value Investing and Finance, about Hey, US Tech: Here Comes the Brussels Effect. , (212) 854-8547, Robcis, Camille
Professor, Barnard College
Columbia University in the City of New York, Directory of University Offices and Services, Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, Center for the Study of Social Difference, Department of Middle East, South Asia, and Africa Studies, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Institute for the Study of Sexuality and Gender, Gender, Sexuality, Genealogy, Ancestrality, Media, Technology, Infrastructure & Urbanism, Slavery, Colonialism, Race, Racial Capitalism, ANTHROPOLOGY AND THE SCHOLARLY PUBLIC SPHERE, Requirements in Sociocultural Anthropology, Requirements in Archaeological Anthropology, FREQUENTLY TAUGHT COURSES - UNDERGRADUATE, Funding Opportunities for Undergraduate Students, Diversity & Equity Grant to Support Enhanced Research and Pedagogy for Graduate Students, Graduate Student Achievements and Congratulations, Resources for Graduate Research, Writing and Jobs, Hurston-Deloria Fellowships for Doctoral Study.