If it continues to happen and youre concerned, its best to visit your doctor to rule out any more serious underlying issues. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, advises against reusable tampons, as they are more likely to cause fungal, yeast, or bacterial infections. Double! They each have pros and cons that could make them a great option for certain lifestyles and an inconvenience for some. And my experience was shared by others. May be better for heavy periods: Women and girls who have heavy periods have to change their menstrual hygiene product more often than others. Can a tampon get lost inside my body? But they still can't get lost in your body. And we dont have to be embarrassed or ashamed of not wanting to do an activity because of our menstruation or menstrual cramps, either. Others find menstrual pads less comfortable. Its not right that tampons are culturally the 'best' and often 'only' period option. But a tampon looks like a small tube. She cautioned, however, to remember never to use a tampon with a higher absorbency than you need, and to make sure to change your tampon every four to eight hours to reduce your risk of TSS. Tampons can be more convenient for menstruators on the go. They sometimes minimize the dangers of toxic shock syndrome and refuse to acknowledge that the pantyliner they have in their underwear to catch "excess flow" is actually just a glorified menstrual pad. Nemours Children's Health and KidsHealth are registered trademarks of The Nemours Foundation. If youre going to try menstrual sponges, be sure you buy natural sea sponge, as some retailers sell synthetic sponges that are dyed and not necessarily safe. We may hear stigmatizing beliefs about our bodies, such as the notion that tampon use can take our virginity. Tampons (say: TAM-ponz) also absorb menstrual blood, but they work from inside the vagina. Nothing could be more personal, more intimate, than how women manage their periods. Part of the reason it took so long for these alternatives to finally catch on, said Siriouthay, is the cultural stigma around menstruation. Outside of Pete Evans-style medical information, a range of cultural and social reasons continue to dissuade tampon use. I prefer pads over tampons for a variety of reasons. In China as a developing nation with a very different culture around periods it makes sense that tampon use is low. No, free bleeding does not make your period end faster. There are two types of tampons: disposable and reusable. Does Peeing with a Tampon in Affect Urine Flow? Pads are often the go-to choice for first-time period users, as they are more visible, larger, and easier to use than tampons. However, some brands of pads can contain synthetic materials and fragrances, which can lead to skin irritation or hypersensitivity reactions depending on the users skin type. It is also suggested that menstrual cups are a better alternative for reducing the risk of TSS and other infections. Other tampons are inserted using a finger. I had my periods when I was 13! Figures are rubbery but in the United States it is estimated 42% of women use tampons (and likely not exclusively), compared to 62% using pads. You dont need to be a tampon user to see the obvious pros of tampons. "I am PROUD of my pads!" Some women strongly prefer tampons over menstrual cups, and there's nothing wrong with thatjust be sure to bring enough tampons to last for your trip. Instead of segregating ourselves into pad and tampons camps, or even other hygiene products like diva cups and Thinx, we can build a common cultural conversation around the issues that really matter: Ruined underwear, painful cramps, or accidentally bleeding all over your office chair while you're at work. Ultimately, what you need to know when it comes to different tampon sizes is that the size refers to its absorbency, not the actual length or width of. It also offers up to 10-hours of leak-free protection to . This makes them great for heavier days and overnight use, as well as saving time and money on the need for frequent change. And if youre totally comfortable, you can choose applicator-free tampons, which are more compact and reduce menstrual waste. Required fields are marked *. You have to wash them, which can be messy, especially when youre out and about. Maxi pads, like tampons, are made of absorbent materials that soak up menstrual blood. Warner Bros. With proper care and cleaning, a menstrual cup can last up to 10 years, making them a great economical choice. These are not the same sponges you wash your dishes or tub with! No, but seriously: These guys don . You can also choose pads based on how light or heavy your blood flow is.. In 2015, Euromonitor(Opens in a new tab), a market research firm, discovered that women aged 12-54 bought(Opens in a new tab), on average, 111 maxi pads in 2014 but just 66 tampons. 11 Lack of Confidence. Times have changed. Pads are also called sanitary pads or sanitary napkins. A place where period activism is out, is proud. She let women in China know that, yes, there are ways to swim while you have your period. (Tampons admittedly have a minor advantage there.). How often you change your pad depends on how heavy your flow is, but a good rule of thumb is to change it every three to four hours. Pad and tampons might seem like two different species, but both are equally bad when it comes to their affect on mother nature. ), I wore my first menstrual pad at the age of 11. Prior to joining Mashable, Heather wrote regularly for UPROXX and GOOD Magazine, was published in The Daily Dot and VICE, and had her work featured in Entertainment Weekly, Jezebel, Mic, and Gawker. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2023 PUBLIC GOODS - All Rights Reserved. Carolyn Twersky is an associate editor for Seventeen covering celebrities, entertainment, politics, trends, and health. DOI: Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, And finally, gender-neutral menstrual products are now a thing, safecosmetics.org/get-the-facts/healthandscience/cumulative-exposure-and-feminine-care-products/, health.clevelandclinic.org/is-toxic-shock-syndrome-still-a-risk-3-things-you-should-know/, unicef.org/press-releases/fast-facts-nine-things-you-didnt-know-about-menstruation, youngwomenshealth.org/2013/03/28/period-products/, health.clevelandclinic.org/tired-of-tampons-here-are-pros-and-cons-of-menstrual-cups/, Menstrual Cups Work Just as Well as Tampons and Pads, How to Pick the Best Tampon Size for Your Needs. Like pads, tampons also come in deodorizing scents, which can irritate the vagina. I was at high school throughout much of the 1990s. Tampons are currently the most popular menstrual product in the US about 70% of women use them. If you have any symptoms of TSS, you should get immediate medical help. Toxic shock syndrome is a rare infection that can happen to girls who use tampons. Toxic shock syndrome is treated as a medical emergency. Changing pads regularly also helps to control smells. I think theres a lot of hesitation to try these products because of how were trained to think about our periods: dirty, shouldnt be seen, and evidence of having one should be discarded, said Siriouthay. For starters, most cups are reusable: just rinse and wear them again! Ultimately, it is your choice as to which type of protection you prefer. Your email address will not be published. Some women also prefer tampons because they're easier to carry and you . If a person experiences a heavy flow, it may be better to use a combination of tampons and pads, with tampons as the primary form of absorption and pads as extra absorption in the event of leaks. Menstrual cups are a great alternative to tampons. You dont have to worry about them being visible (minus the whole issue of tampon strings in swimsuit). By signing up to the Mashable newsletter you agree to receive electronic communications Dont be afraid to mix it up to accommodate the stages of your cycle. Solving Problems With Login To iTunes Account As Well As Your iTunes Sign In. Committee Member - MNF Research Advisory Committee, PhD Scholarship - Uncle Isaac Brown Indigenous Scholarship. Pros. Lastly, there may be religious or cultural concerns that discourage or prohibit the use of tampons. Other girls like pads because they're easy to use, and it's easier to remember when to change them because you can see the blood on them. Additionally, pads do not require any application nor do they pose any risk of irritation or injury associated with insertion. With pads, there is less of a risk for dryness, irritation, and exposure to toxic shock syndrome since the pad does not need to be inserted into your body as a tampon does. No, it is not weird to use pads instead of tampons. (2017). Don't try to flush a pad down the toilet they're too big and may back up the toilet and make a huge (embarrassing!) Ultimately, the decision of which product is more healthy comes down to personal preference. Its for this reason that other internal, having-to-touch-the-blood methods like cups and sponges havent yet gone mainstream. If you have a pet at home, make sure you throw tampons away in a trash can that your pet can't get into. The biggest risk is viruses, such as hepatitis, which can be transmitted through dried blood for several days. We take your words seriously. Tampons are a popular menstrual product choice for women during their periods. How do I choose the right pad for me? Like tampons, theres the environmental factor, though reusable options are now available (more on these later). Alternatively, you can stand to insert a tampon, placing one foot on a higher surface such as a toilet seat. Additionally, since they are absorbent, they minimize the risk of leaking or staining clothing or other fabrics. Seventeen picks products that we think you'll love the most. Overwhelmed by the ever-growing world of period underwear? Yes, pads usually hold more blood than tampons. And some girls with heavy periods use tampons together with pads or pantiliners for added protection against leakage. Plus, today you can find reusable cups, washable pads, and period-proof panties, among other things. Get medical help immediately if youre wearing a tampon and are experiencing any signs of toxic shock syndrome. It can take some time for you to experiment with what products are right for you. It is absolutely normal to not want to use tampons! Some use pads at night and tampons during the day. I am the heavy flow queen, she said. Many female swimmers will also take ibuprofen or a similar anti-inflammatory medication to help manage pain and discomfort caused by the period. Other . Getting toxic shock syndrome through tampon usage is rare, however. Tampons are not intended to be used at any other time or . She also sent a broader message that elite sport and menstruation can coexist. If you are uncomfortable with using them, there are plenty of other menstrual products that can be used instead, such as menstrual cups or pads. Reusable products, on the other hand, challenge the out of sight, out of mind mentality of menstruation. Many people tend to tense up, resulting in difficulty with insertion. If youre just starting out, you may have to try a few sizes to see which one fits you the best. Theyve come a long way since the bulky, diaper-esque pads you still hear horror stories about. Washing clothes and linens in cold water as soon as possible can help keep blood stains to a minimum. Because you can see it, it's also easy to remember when you have to change it. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. A feeling of extreme weakness or dizziness, Always follow the directions on the label even if youve used tampons before.. Youve got options, and at the end of the day its your period, your prerogative. Many users of the product are proudly tolerant or indifferent to the feminine hygiene choices of others. A tampon is a small, cylindrical bundle made of cotton, rayon or a blend of cotton and rayon. Talk to your doctor or another healthcare provider if you have any questions or concerns. I ended up finding out on my first visit to the gynecologist that my vaginal opening is pretty small, which explained to me why tampons never felt right. Pads are much more environmentally friendly to dispose of since they are made of biodegradable materials. You can wear them as extra leak protection with pads and tampons at night or on heavy days. Here are some tips and tricks to help you find the answer to 'Wordle' #622. This will help reduce the spread of bacteria. However, depending on their absorbency level, some . But between these options, and the classic tampons and pads, menstruators today have so much to choose from. Tired of tampons? This string is meant to sit outside your body so you can use it to pull it out when your tampon is full and needs changing., How do I choose the right tampon for me? For those watching in her motherland of China, Yuanhuis story was one of possibilities. mess. These absorbent panties can hold as much as a couple of pads or tampons worth of blood, depending which ones you buy. tampon loyalists will ask. Tampon users and pad users can get along. Cumulative exposure and feminine care products. Sit on the toilet. Ahhh, the age-old dilemma of tampons vs. pads. Some girls find that a slender size, applicator-style tampon is easier to use when they first start their periods. They also come in deodorant varieties, but these can irritate the vagina. The biggest stories of the day delivered to your inbox. Tampons are much less bulky and less likely to move, so you can feel confident while you're out and about! Tampons are easy to use, but you do need to learn how to put them in. People with heavy periods and anyone whos ever woken up to a mess swears by them. Relax and you'll be able to find it. They cost less than some other reusable period products. Theres a lot of culture-specific stigmatizations around periods, said Siriouthay. Then, if today is the day, you'll be ready! If a person is scared or apprehensive about putting a tampon in, this can can make it difficult, as the body responds to stress by tightening the pelvic muscles and constricting the vagina. Tampons, on the other hand, are less bulky and tend to stay in place, meaning you dont have to worry as much about potential leaks. We've rounded up popular options based on a range of needs, whether you're looking for a. Additionally, some people may be worried about the potential for Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), although this is very rare and modern tampons must meet strict safety regulations to prevent it. Where blood becomes ink, becomes lipstick, becomes art. risk of developing TSS is lower in women who use menstrual pads, 9 reasons why your period may be late, including stress, changes to sleep schedule, and more, The 4 best home remedies for period cramps, The truth about period syncing and the real reason you may be experiencing it, What everyone should know about birth control, from the types to effectiveness, How birth control pills work by tricking the body into thinking it's already pregnant.