0000010464 00000 n
See full terms & conditions for . Capitale Sociale: 4.116.980,00 i.v. 0000008998 00000 n
0000009167 00000 n
SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking . Prom.ua 1 2597 59 . C $74.02 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Biostimulator Fertilizer Volagro Megafol at the best online prices at Free shipping for many products . 0000006310 00000 n
Megafol je pionirski i najprodavaniji proizvod gde su osnova aminokiseline (iskljuivo biljnog porekla). Odabrati proizvod koji e, primenjen u pravo vreme, doneti korist koju oekujemo verovatno je najtee. When applied in times of stress (frost, root asphyxia, weeding, hail), its synergistic action of betaine and amino acids allows the plants to quickly and spectacularly overcome the stress and improve growth. Every $100 spent on Lowe products from participating retailers will put you into WIN 1 of 100 prizes!*. thanks to the content of calcium, magnesium, trace elements and specific polysaccharides. Montana region
pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and fuel for region Chirpan, Sales representative
0000003009 00000 n
The Industrials division operates in different business and offers special ingredients of high quality and purity. Istovremeno. 0000053662 00000 n
Valagro SpA. Prom.ua 1 2051 22 . Region Veliko Tarnovo 2, Service specialist
Region Burgas - north, Sales representative
Used regularly, Megafol ensures a balanced and productive plant growth and overcomes the effects of stress (frost, root suffocation, weeds, hail, drought , waterlogging). 0000001035 00000 n
Biljka usvaja samo L-aminokiseline. \GebvjP`2NN]VH {!Y&0q&ywb+rP Brutt r: 55685 Ft * Megafol, a stresszhelyzetek menedzsere! 01295050692, Sede Legale:
Region Silistra, Sales representative
The Industrials division operates in different business and offers special ingredients of high quality and purity. Valagro je italijanska firma, postoji od 1980. a od pre par godina je u vlasnitvu kompanije Syngenta. Doza primene u penici je 2l/ha. Via Cagliari 1 - Zona Industriale
Region Stara Zagora, Sales representative
(Partita IVA e Cod. When applied in times of stress (frost, root asphyxia, weeding, hail), its synergistic action of betaine and amino acids allows the plants to quickly and . is an activator of the growth. Rendszeres hasznlata fokozza a kiegyenltett vegetatv nvekedst s a termkpessget. Condition:: New: A brand-new. Region Sofia,
Applications of MEGAFOL have been shown to benefit plant growth and improve fruits, vegetables and field crops quality. Take a look at the reviews shared by other users, or. - Chemicals used in industry, science and photography . 0000063291 00000 n
Join the biggest Cannabis Platform for free. 0889354989, Manager North Bulgaria
0000052392 00000 n
Fruit crops - vineyards, apples, apricots, pears, peaches(before flowering, after fruit setting, fruit growth and in any situation of delay): 200-300 ml/dca, Cereals (one application with the herbicide in the spring): 250-300 ml/dca. Toggle navigation +91-9419888445; helpdesk@herchellelifesciences.com . Prom.ua 1 2591 426 . INFORMATION NOTE: All documents in this section will only be available on e-Hub from January 2020. Stvaraju ih biljke uz pomo procesa fotosinteze, vezuju se u lance i grade polipeptide, a ovi dalje proteine. Producto que contiene una lnea de vitaminas, aminocidos y protenas, betanas y factores de crecimiento. For details please see. This button displays the currently selected search type. Hello. Megafol is a foliar nutrient supplement (3-0-8) that strengthens crop vitality and helps crops recover more quickly from growing stresses. Agrian Inc. does not provide any guarantee or assurance that the information obtained through this service is accurate, current or correct, and is therefore not liable for any loss resulting, directly or indirectly, from reliance upon this service. The product not only nourishes.. Foliar NPK supplements with microelements chelates.The Plantafol line consists of foliar fertilizers with high solubility and rapid and complet.. Releaseed is an innovative solution for seed-treatment, the result of the experience and technology of Valagro GEAPOWER. $295.00. Al aplicarse en momentos de estrs (heladas, asfixia radicular, deshierbe, granizo), la accin sinrgica de las betanas y los aminocidos permite que las plantas superen el estrs de forma rpida y notoria y mejora su crecimiento. Od juna ove godine bi trebalo da stupi na snagu nova regulativa EU po pitanju biostimulatora. Megafol can be applied with copper based . Wishes phone. 50-80 % ukupnih aminokiselina a 5-10% slobodnih. Mobil AGRI AKCIJA SPREMNI DOEKAJTE PROLEE! Sva prava zadrana. . The formula contains a range of vitamins, amino acids and proteins, betaines and growth factors. Product identifier . We found that Megafol . The unique combination.. Brexil MIX (0-0-0) is a micronutrient and secondary nutrient based product designed to treat and prevent micronutrient and secondary nutrient d.. Kendal NEM is a unique and innovative nutritional product, the result of Valagro's experience and GEAPOWER technology.Kendal NEM is composed of.. Ferrilene products comprises of a full line of the best iron chelates (EDDHSA; EDDHA) to suit the different adverse situations where the availa.. Megafol contains a line of vitamins, amino acids and proteins, betaines and growth factors. mEGAFOL is a liquid foliar fertilizer specially formulated to impro-ve the vigor of fruits, vegetables and field crops. In this study, Megafol (Meg), a commercial plant biostimulant, was tested on olive plants subjected to severe saline stress. Plant protection products, seeds, fertilizers
phone: 042 / 600 171, Yazdach village, Stara Zagora District
1.1. ^ 3 oaOTR,wmay-{ nTeM!A)^~BATs GPS coordinates: 42.506028, 26.041212
02207200698). (Partita IVA e Cod. Est compuesto por una alta concentracin de extractos vegetales esenciales elaborados con la tecnologa VALAGRO Safety Sheet Revision date: Ju ly 06, 2020 version number: 1.0 Product: Megafol Code: 12 3 91 Print Date: July 6, 2020 1/7 SAFETY SHEET . MEGAFOL will disperse in water with little agi- tation. The plant extracts are derived from vegetable matter through enzymatic hydrolysis rather than chemical extraction, which helps maintain their quality and integrity. Hello. When applied in times of stress (frost, root asphyxia, weeding, hail), its synergistic action of betaine and amino acids allows the plants to quickly and spectacularly overcome the stress and improve growth. Liked by Shantanu Kadam. phone. Betterave. WxmwCn"_;xR?,Pg/Sl'EI,1yINqi% 5d9)P0wFH,&Z:t8'WnKU>53cms 0000000900 00000 n
0000006427 00000 n
Meios de envio Calcular. 2 GPS coordinates: 43.589618, 27.819890
Includes plant extracts that contain nitrogen and potassium in highly soluble and mobile forms, Can be tank-mixed with other inputs such as herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and Coron. Cannabis Nutrient Product from Valagro 0 Megafol contains a line of vitamins, amino acids and proteins, betaines and growth factors. Solo los usuarios con una cuenta pueden crear publicaciones. Claim my brand. 0000003138 00000 n
Prom.ua 1 3657 13 . Fertilizante a base de Nitrgeno, Potasio y Carbono. Calabacita - Calabacn - Zapallo Italiano, Chayote - Chayota - Papa del Aire - Cidra Papa, Col - Repollo / Col de Bruselas - Repollito de Bruselas, Ctricos ( Limn, Lima, Mandarino, Toronjo, Naranjo, Pomelo, etc. . The material and content contained in the Agworld DBX Label Database is for general use information only. Region Razgrad, Sales representative
phone: (+359) 885 433 500, Manager South Bulgaria
Colza. Proizveden iskljuivo od paljivo odabranih biljnih ekstrakta, dobijen je enzimskom hidrolizom koja omoguava izdvajanje potrebnih aminokiselina u visokom procentu. A potent stimulator of proteins, made from a complex of biologically active o.. Radifarm is designed for application during transplanting and / or in the early stages of development of plants. Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil
0000074456 00000 n
2023Valagro. Request information Stimulates growth of plants and improves effectiveness of treatments. , , . Megafol je prirodni biostimulator koji pomae biljkama u nepovoljnim uslovima sredine (sua, preterana vlanost, niske temperature, oteenja od grada i sl.). Societ soggetta allattivit di direzione e coordinamento di Valagro Holding Srl
This special production process is based on GEA-POWER technology (GEA-931) Comes. 0882 39 23 23. Region Yambol 2, Sales representative plant protection products, seeds and fertilizers region Bourgas north, Sales representative
0000002711 00000 n
How to Hire the Best Dispensary Employees, Join the biggest Cannabis Platform for free. Megafolcontains a line of vitamins, amino acids and proteins, betaines and growth factors. , Root Magic Mycorrhizae Biological Inoculum, By continuing to use the website or clicking Accept you consent to our cookies and personal data policy. : s.petkova@bulagro.com, Service specialist
0000012480 00000 n
La aplicacin frecuente de MEGAFOL potencia el desarrollo equilibrado y la productividad de la planta. Liked by Amol Munde. Therefore, a study on the effect of a biostimulant (Megafol - Megafol) on maize (Zea mays L.) tolerance to a chloro-acetanilide herbicide (metolachlor) was carried out. Megafol . Please upgrade your browser to improve your experience. Two different biostimulants were used in experiment: Megafol (Valagro SpA Italy) . | Trminos y condiciones z(
3f.g+:+X"Xgwa nrGebi3^tIgfISlh4O9pM[2JQ6hk=1#/0! Sede Legale: Via Cagliari 1 - Zona Industriale 66041 Atessa (CH) Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Chieti: 01295050692 Capitale Sociale: 4.116.980,00 i.v. GPS coordinates: 42.410004, 25.591976
improves the efficiency of fertilization. Pojaava fotosintetsku aktivnost i regulie hormonalnu ravnoteu biljaka, poboljava dejstvo drugih materija primenjenih na biljci (pesticidi, folijarna ubriva). Users of this database must read and follow the actual product label affixed to the container before use of the product. Ask one? MOLIBDENO 7.37%. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions, and more at Agworld DBX, powered by Greenbook. 0000015927 00000 n
Agworld and Greenbook Data Solutions does not provide any guarantee or assurance that the information obtained through this service is accurate, current or correct, and is therefore not liable for any loss resulting, directly or indirectly, from reliance upon this service. Region Targovishte, Sales representative
Logino, Syngenta kao jedan od lidera u inovacijama u agro biznisu traila je sebi slinu kompaniju. & 10+ . Skip to content. 0000056211 00000 n
Application of Megafol to tomato plants under drought stress enhanced induction of a number of drought responsive genes such as tomato orthologs of RAB18 and RD29B. 0000003747 00000 n
Gravitet F1 grown in low-input mineral nutrition variant with applied biostimulant Megafol, the content of proline increased in comparison with the control (LI). Participating retailers: Fruitfed Supplies/PGG Wrightson, Farmlands and Horticentre. Hvatajui korak sa vremenom u jednoj od najdinaminijih oblasti dananjice, na Agromedia portalu meaju se stara i nova znanja, mudrost tradicije i najnovija tehnoloka dostignua. Valagro tehnologija omoguuje precizno i balansirano komponavanje jedinjenja za maksimalnu efikasnost. agricultural machinery
0888543817, Sales representative
Prom.ua 1 2584 674 . MEGAFOL, applied regularly, promotes balanced vegetative development and productivity. Not Registered? Skroutz! View the product label for Megafol 3-0-8 from Valagro. Valagro is a world leader in the development of innovative biostimulants. Stimulates plant physiology to increase sugar content 2.Inhibits fruit degradation process 3. When applied in times of stress (frost, root asphyxia, weeding, hail), its synergistic action of betaine and amino acids allows the plants to quickly and spectacularly overcome the stress and improve growth. Do not reuse container. La aplicacin frecuente de MEGAFOL potencia el desarrollo equilibrado y la productividad de la planta. Societ soggetta all'attivit di direzione e coordinamento di Valagro Holding Srl (Partita IVA e Cod. Follow. Megafol NK 1 lt. 0.0. trailer
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MEGAFOL is a liquid foliar fertilizer specially formulated to improve the quality and vigor of fruits, vegetables and field crops. 1 Harvest. Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and fuel
Valagro je italijanska firma, postoji od 1980. a od pre par godina je u vlasnitvu kompanije Syngenta. Tell me how to correct plant nutrition after partial defoliation at the beginning of flowering? Brand: : Valagro . Stara Zagora region
Plus Promotes vegetal growth during environmental stress. Empresa Formuladora: VALAGRO Spa Zona Industrial 66041 ATESSA (CHIETI) ITALY II. U stresnim situacijama (mraz, sua, fitotoksije itd.) 0000013643 00000 n
It contains a precision nutrient solution of nitrogen and potassium containing plant extracts in a highly soluble form. Na tritu postoji veliki broj razliitih folijarnih hraniva, biostimulatora i drugih proizvoda koji sadre aminokiseline, pa je zaista teko za snalaenje. Brexil mix Prom.ua 1 2597 42 . Canada English Franais Canada (East) Canada (West) Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil
Iscritta al Registro Imprese di Chieti: 01295050692
Megafol je u potpunosti proizveden od biljnih sirovina i siguran je za korisnike, tretirane kulture i okoli. Producto que contiene una línea de vitaminas, aminoácidos y prote&iacut Ver ms Descripcin general: Producto que contiene una lnea de vitaminas, aminocidos y protenas, betanas y factores de crecimiento. phone. E-Hub is the official repository of Valagro know-how. Toplant da, iftilerimize Megafol, Yieldon, Brexil Serisi, Talete ve Micro NP rnlerinden Oluturulan Valagro zmleri Hakknda Ayrntl Bilgiler Verdik. GPS coordinates: 42.291732, 25.476855
The product not only nourishes.. Plantafol Megafol Anti-stress and growth activator. 0000002216 00000 n
Since 1957, Helena Agri-Enterprises has grown to be one of the nations foremost agricultural and specialty formulators and distributors in the U.S. Helena Agri-Enterprises, LLC Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. ott 2020 - Presente2 anni 6 mesi. 0000021584 00000 n
Product Details Product Description MEGAFOL contains a series of vitamins, amino acids and proteins, betaines and growth factors. Megafol Es un activador gentico vegetal compuesto por una alta concentracin de extractos vegetales esenciales, optimiza el desarrollo vegetativo y la productividad de los cultivos, ya que promueve el potencial gentico de la planta en condiciones normales o ante diferentes situaciones de estrs. Plants treated with salt alone showed substantial reductions in biomass production, leaf net photosynthesis (Pn), leaf transpiration rate (E), stomatal conductance (gs), and relative water content (RWC). Region Veliko Tarnovo, Sales representative
0000003304 00000 n
phone. SL Otros Bioestimulantes TIPO DE FORMULADO: SL - Concentrado soluble - lquido soluble apartment Valagro TELFONO: 950 58 32 60 MAIL: info.iberia@valagro.com WEB: www.valagro.com COMPOSICIN Y USO CARBONO ORGNICO 9% + NITRGENO 3% + POTASIO 8%. Descripcin general: Producto que contiene una lnea de vitaminas, aminocidos y protenas, betanas y factores de crecimiento. Applied regularly, MEGAFOLpromotes balanced vegetative development and productivity. Megafol je biostimulator koji sadri sledee komponente: Aminokiseline ivotinjskog porekla dobijaju se u 99% sluajeva iz klaninog otpada (krv, kosti, koa, iznutrice) hemijskim cepanjem. Capitale Sociale: 4.116.980,00 i.v. Ver. Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil
Ae.F8qGY~TwmJUb_yOXK&W]d):s~Y`/M}Nc_"6++7>=|nSMX>w_Dd7M7_wg|2^7FhCOSNf{gti8H2^fe5LCd~zgy4?M89/Gvf. Megafol is a foliar nutrient supplement (3-0-8) that strengthens crop vitality and helps crops recover more quickly from growing stresses. 0000056464 00000 n
Agworld DBX empowers you with the right crop input label information for informed pest management & plant protection, powered by Greenbook. , . The high water content index was . Phone: +359 42 600 171, Zheleznik District
, . MEGAFOL, applied regularly, promotes balanced vegetative development and productivity. MEGAFOL is a concentrated solution containing highly soluble and mobile Potassium and Nitrogen. 0000059136 00000 n
0000059462 00000 n
Megafol is a unique botanical based plant anti-stress and growth activator, which helps in increasing yield and improving quality. is a unique combination of foliar fertilizer and bio-stimulant that not only nourishes the crops but also protects them from stress. phone: 0882 466 672, Sales representative
MEGAFOL, applied regularly, promotes balanced .. MASTER SUPREME is a line of high quality water-soluble fertilizers, enriched with biologically active components which guarantee both nutrition.. MEGAFOL is also a carrier of products in foliar applications. Indicado para suministrar molibdeno, mejorando el empleo del nitrgeno o su fijacin en las legumbres. Ko je, u stvari Valagro, proizvoa biostimulatora Megafol? Stimulates growth of plants and improves effectiveness of treatments. Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil
. Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil
Brmilyen stresszrl is van sz (lehet az fagy, hideg, extrm magas hmrsklet, aszly vagy ppen nvnyvdelmi kezelsekkel . 0000059572 00000 n
Contact us or visit our FAQ's. Upon insertion of the product, a lot of energy is saved to the plant, thereby increasing the yield and quality of produce. Folijarni biostimulator biljnog porekla na bazi aminokiselina MEGAFOL. Las marcas AGRISOLVER y el aviso comercial Comunidad para soluciones en Agricultura, son titularidad de Agrisolver, S.A. de C.V. When applied in times of stress (frost, root asphyxia, weeding, hail), its synergistic action of betaine and amino acids allows the plants to quickly and spectacularly overcome the stress and improve growth. Agworld and Greenbook Data Solutions does not provide any guarantee or . Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and fuel
0. . The action of Megafols ingredients in foliar crop applications can improve overall plant performance and yield potential. Click Here Agworld DBX transforms product labelling into indexed, actionable data in an unbiased presentation that is easily accessible. Megafolcontains a line of vitamins, amino acids and proteins, betaines and growth factors. Triple rinse and add contents to the spray tank. 0884024313, Sales representative
0000004964 00000 n
Plant protection products, fertilizers and seeds, comprises a range of elements and organic substances required for the plant, is a unique combination of foliar fertilizer and bio-stimulant that not only nourishes the crops but also protects them from stress, overcomes the delays in the development of plant due to stress and environmental factors. When applied in times of stress (frost, root asphyxia, weeding, hail), its synergistic action of betaine and amino acids allows the plants to quickly and spectacularly overcome the stress and improve growth. Region Stara Zagora, Sales representative
01295050692, Sede Legale:
View all Valagro Products. 0000028400 00000 n
Logino, Syngenta kao jedan od lidera u inovacijama u agro biznisu traila je sebi slinu kompaniju. There are no questions about this nutrient product. Valagro. 2 L/ha en association avec les herbicides de pr-leve 0,5 1L/ha en association avec les herbicides de post leve 2L/ha en prvention ou rcupration des stress abiotiques. COMPOSICIN Y USO. 3 x de R$209,25 Ver mais detalhes Entregas para o CEP: Alterar CEP. . Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and oil
You are using an outdated browser. Were here to provide you with a reliable source of plant protection chemical label data so that you can find the information you need for managing weeds, pests and diseases in a safe and effective way. 0000054846 00000 n
Megafol includes a complex of amino acids and other growth factors. We investigated the physiological and molecular responses of tomato plants treated with Megafol (Valagro S.p.A), under specific drought conditions. B'=o|aZ\8u&S4;yON#kBr!\;-ka4e*Lp&z
BxK|.@M&3@q=0&*?=k4NQHvz!a0a~bWV^;7;c! TANK MIXES: Megafol can be tank mixed with pesticides, fertilizers or any other chemicals. LS Solucin de molibdeno utilizada por va foliar o fertirrigacin en la prevencin y control de las carencias debidas a deficiencias o desequilibrios en la asimilacin de este elemento. Societ soggetta allattivit di direzione e coordinamento di Valagro Holding Srl
R$700,00 R$592,00. Biostimulant Megafol among high percentage of humic acids also contains amino . Region Yambol 1
Trade code: 12391 . Kk_%g;7z Drought is one of the most significant abiotic stresses that limits the growth and productivity of crop plants. phone: (+359) 888 276 949, Dobrich, 8 Anton Stoyanov Str. Elektronska knjiga (e-book, e-knjiga, eknjiga, digitalna knjiga, ili ak e-izdanje) je publikacija knjige u digitalnoj, elektronskoj formi koja se sastoji od teksta i slika. :$}f1vFX0/#$d!G-5&*3VB#UnWus;F.ZJj biljka troi veliku koliinu energije za sintezu aminokiselina, pa bre propada. Megafol contains a line of vitamins, amino acids and proteins, betaines and growth factors. In addition to serving as an immediate reserve in protein synthesis,amino acids have proven as energetic growth factors. Valagro Megafol 10 L. Megafol is used to promote vegetal growth during environmental stress, such as frost, root asphyxia, weeding and hail. phone: (+359) 884 223331, Montana, Industrial area north
001 - Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry; unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry. We investigated the physiological and molecular responses of tomato plants treated with Megafol (Valagro S.p.A), under specific drought conditions. You are using an outdated browser. to easily access to accurate info on products and solutions! Milton Spnola, N 550 - Vila Campos, Piraju - SP, 18803-192 Atendimento de Segunda Sbado das 8:00 . PROPIEDADES MEGAFOL es un bioestimulante que activa los genes de las plantas para controlar el estrs y aumentar el rendimiento de los cultivos. Al aplicarse en momentos de estrs (heladas, asfixia radicular, deshierbe, granizo), la accin sinrgica de las betanas y los aminocidos permite que las plantas superen el estrs de forma rpida y notoria y mejora su crecimiento. MEGAFOL, applied regularly, promotes balanced vegetative development and productivity. All rights reserved - 66041 Atessa (Chieti) ITALY - P.I. Obino se polazi od poverenja u proizvoaa. Pesticides, fertilizers, seeds and fuel
ak i sam pojam biostimulator, stvoren je u Valagru, a danas je u irokoj upotrebi u itavom svetu. Valagro SpA. hb```b``^ X @1V}y@~S@*]::4X1be~f)N 3,X]&5L^TEC@VwH@
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Is it necessary to lower the dose, if so, how much. Megafol is a liquid foliar biostimulant specially formulated to help reduce abiotic stresses including drought, heat, low-temperature, and physical damage.