Caterpillars & Butterflies. Then see who on the staff has some talent in staging and filming these short promos to put on the cable channel. I think its just celebrated in the U.S. but like I said sometimes I steal your holidays , In the US, November is Native American Heritage Month. I've always loved books and libraries. That is great that you have shared your knowledge of libraries. Know of a celebration or event that is not on the list? Gets the thumbs up from this former school librarian :) Getting creative with the displays and seeing how well they did was always so much fun. It helps to make some bookmarks that say CHECK IT OUT to tuck into the book. A Kindle Scribe Review. What would you like to see added to this webpage? . I was curious what tool you use for creating the flyers, specifically the DIY craft one? January National Braille Literacy Month 1 - Copyright Law Day 2 - National Science Fiction Day 9-15 - Universal Letter Writing Week 11 - Poetry at Work Day 18 - Thesaurus Day 18 - Winnie the Pooh Day (birthday of author A.A. Milne) 19 - Edgar Allan Poe's birthday 23 - National Handwriting Day My library has just done a big overhaul of the way they display books - they have a table near the front that they rotate every week with a new theme, they have librarian's pick, new books near the front, etc. Feel free to download and use any of my signs in your library, or check out my tips for creating non-boring non-fiction displays. Maybe I should recommend this lens to their Head teachers LOL! This Library Bulletin Board Bundle contains 15 bulletin board kits that will carry you through the whole school year. International City/County Management Association. Doing displays on video games or memes can be tricky. I like your lens, I enjoyed reading it. Camp COVID Summer Learning: Our Black History Awakening Mural (The Frederick Douglass Edition) The Telling Room: SWARM! ), ENJOY YOUR GARDEN (books on garden pests, growing vegetables, mulching, cookbooks for salads, vegetables and canning), I'M BORED - KEEP THE KIDS BUSY (books about activities for kids, crafts, trips, science, nature, games, camping), ENJOY NATURE - (books about visiting national parks, birding, butterfly and hummingbird gardening, wildllife, identifying wildflowers and trees), FAMILY REUNION MONTH - (books about planning a reunion, finding relatives, picnics, outdoor group games, even genealogy), URBAN HOMESTEADING - (books about raising chickens, gardening, growing fruits and vegetables in your backyard). Im trying to keep this calendar centered around kid/teen friendly topics. I LOVE libraries. Read Woke is an idea created by Cicely Lewis, an amazing librarian who has created some amazing initiatives. Lucy's Book. And Im adding in Human Rights Month under December good one! You would be amazed at the number of books including dots and spots. 4-10 October - World Space Week. I work with children and am responsible for displaying their book choices on a daily basis. It is essential to get maximum use out of the materials and to keep your patrons interested and returning again and again. Make an eye-catching display by featuring some partially burned books and a slogan like the one here. Following that, we assembled a Roald Dahl and Mem Fox author focus for our library. Display ideas: books with schools as one of main settings, books about education, faculty members photographed with a favorite book. Welcome your students back with a new library display 16 Dec, 2020 While many of us are winding down for the year, school library staff are already planning their exciting new library displays to welcome students back for 2021, especially those schools that have been in extended lock-down during 2020. Very clever! Thank you for your help in the past and for,I am sure, the help in the future. The themes in this set will save you time, show off your library books, and get those students reading!Save 20% when you buy the full-year bundle! St. John's Public Library in New Brunswick, Canada - The books are wrapped in plain brown paper with a short description written on it. Of course, the books listed here can be borrowed through interlibrary loan. I am featuring this on How to Write Well. "Happy Pride Month! Linux (/ l i n k s / LEE-nuuks or / l n k s / LIN-uuks) is a family of open-source Unix-like operating systems based on the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released on September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. I did not have much voice for how things were done, but those who did the displays were extremely conscientious 'bout keeping 'em updated an' user-friendly. So informative you make me feel like becoming a librarian myself. Seasonal book displays are a great way to brighten up your school library. Diane Cass from New York on August 31, 2012: Fantastic! "pride display at local library" by u/katrinaevening. Today you're 8. Past Library Displays; Library Events; Current Newsletter; Past Faculty/Staff Newsletters; December 2021 Displays Shining a Light on Human Rights. 3) Sign in or Register for an account with your Library Card. Have a volunteer search the stacks and the catalog for these. Zip. The library is, and always has been, one of my favorite places in the world. Your displays are incredible! The Franks were a Jewish family living in Germany, then Austria throughout Hitler's rise to power and during World War II. Just looking at the spines on the shelves (and turning your head sideways to read them, lol) isn't the best way to get enticed by something. Our designers will give you new ideas to create unique custom . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Karissa is a Children's and Teen Services librarian at a public library in Ontario with a soft spot for Middle Grade fiction, ridiculous video games, and people who bring her coffee. This one takes time but is something you can add to and change over time, making it a more permanent display. The Bestselling Fantasy Books of All Time, The Nobel Prize In Literature Winners You Need to Read, Should You Buy That? 1,295 Pins 1y S Collection by Staying Cool in the Library Similar ideas popular now Library Decor Book Display Library Lessons Classroom Library This display is based on the theme "Courage". January: New Year Celebrations Around the World! Whenever you see a catchy slogan, note it down for future use in a display. Beautiful Blackbird Children's Book Festival. Hello from Ontario- thank you for the list I have been racking my brain on Displays for some of the months, so this is very helpful and Im totally doing a Dot Display!!!! Have fun brainstorming more ideas and keep your readers coming back. I really love seeing this. Kirkus Reviews' 10 Fun Summer Books With Black Protagonists. thank you very much for taking this subject and giving some useful ideas. Alternate title: SCHOOL DAYS, CREATIVE COSTUMES (books on making costumes, include ones from the theater section and make-up area), SPOOKY READING (horror stories by authors like Stephen King, John Saul, etc., check for short stories too), HALLOWEEN IS COMING (include books on carving pumpkins, planning Halloween parties, decorating for Halloween, and setting up a haunted house), FALL READING (any fiction with autumn or fall in the title, you can mix in some harvest books on canning/jelly making, making scarecrows, New England foliage travel books or photo books), TEEN READ WEEK In mid-October. Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on January 22, 2013: @ericsdorsey: I'm sure many of the topics would work for bulletin boards too. There was a heavy emphasis on merchandising the collection. Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet, Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn, etc. Free Library Display Resources 3D Flower Bulletin Board Display Guess Who Children's Character Display Reading Gives You All the Feels Bulletin Board Display Spot the Difference Snowpeople Display New Year, New Books Bulletin Board Display New Year New Goals Adult Non-Fiction Book Bin Display Romancewith a twist I Read Canadian Day What's Cooking? Make sure the CHECK IT OUT shows at the top. This is a really neat lens! No-Name Calling Week - Display books about kindness! The children's display could be IT'S RHYMING TIME. Show off the library's books, movies, music and other materials with effective displays. I was concerned when I made one called Books to Read if You Love Fortnite but I was pleasantly surprised with that one as well. It's PURPLE Book Day (or Week)- include books with purple covers or cover designs with lots of purple in it. Send a photograph of the winning entries to the local newspaper. Makes a very colorful display. What a great idea for a country to have. Eye-catching book arrangements will draw the interest of your students and might just hook your readers on a new book. Ann Hinds from So Cal on November 08, 2011: As the daughter of a librarian, I spent hours helping her setup displays and many of my wonderful memories are of being in the library. Great list, love it! You should go on a world tour teaching libraries how to display their wares. Love books - can't afford all I want, so haunt two lovely book exchange shops that also make delightful displays - and the shop owner and I DO love to chat about books and 'good reads'. To sit and think of a display is really tricky in my opinion, as every time I try to make one I think that Im failing at it and not doing as well as other people do. 800 Library Display Ideas in 2023 | library displays, library book displays, book display Library Display Ideas 802 Pins 2w S Collection by St. Joseph Public Library Similar ideas popular now Book Display Library Decor Library Lessons Classroom Library Library Bulletin Board School Library Decor Middle School Libraries High School Library For my 4 year old DS too! Excellent lens on books displays. This is why the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) established September as National Voter Registration Month in 2002 to . This is some really good information about library display ideas. All books can be found using Hoopla or Overdrive & Libby! In January, a display of books on goals is popular. 1 April 2022. You can put books between two bookends and place a small sign next to it. A general winter display is always popular. Also show off books with purple, lavender or lilac in the title. Learn how your comment data is processed. Thankyou so much for sharing! The Children Who Loved Books. Dear Diary February: Celebrate! Alternate slogans could be CHANGE YOUR LIFE or MAKE THIS A BETTER YEAR. I am just obsessed with books and libraries lately. Make sure you do this where no patrons will be aghast at the sight of their librarian burning a book and where you won't accidentally set a grass fire. Dont forget Groundhog Day (Feb 2) and Irish Heritage Month in March, Thanks for the list. Many students have approached it, scanned it with their finger in the air, trying to see if there is a cover that jumps out at them. DIY (woodworking projects, garden projects, etc. :), Yay! You can add this page to your favorites or pin it on your Pinterest board. I used it to highlight our new non fiction books and it was really popular. I absolutely love your lenses! Check out this list of monthly events and celebrations to help with your program planning. Lime Juice (a graphic design agency) produce some really cool themed library book merchandising posters that you can buy, print out yourself and use for your merchandising displays. Capitalize on these (example: the Olympics, release of a major film). Glad to hear it is helpful. Using sticky notes is a great way to make a colourful displays. I believe and hope that this is not the case. Just what i need as a children's librarian . A friend found an article about a library displays make completely out of dusty books (my library's term for books that haven't been checked out in awhile). 2) Use that PDF to click on the specific title you would like to find in the database. Thanks for the link! Im not crafty or organised enough to ensure that my displays are rotated on a timely basis. Spring begins on March 20-21. Thanks for making me a part of it. March. awesome job--you put a lot of work in to putting this together, This lens is full of helpful tips and information. Fabulous book display resource page! I RESOLVE TO. (anything that fits with New Year's resolutions - get out of debt, be a better parent, learn to spell, read more, cook healthy meals). 5 October - World Teachers' Day. I had to tell you that when I go to the library these days, I take a quick glance around to see any changes and think of you. 5.0. The reader doesn't know what title they might be getting. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. AUTHOR OF THE WEEK (fill this with one author, change it when the books run low) This display can run all year without changing the sign. National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15- October 15) National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15- October 15) Feature a different author with the words, IF YOU LIKE STEPHEN KING, TRY THESE. A display at the Osceola County Public Library in Central Florida. Browse Catalog. You can make a tabletop tiered display like the one shown below. QUILTS ON DISPLAY! I do love the library though - it just smells so good. Series of the Week (leave this display up all summer, just change the series each week) It's a good place to display the Black Stallion books one week, Nancy Drew another week, and so on. BLACK HISTORY MONTH (any books about black history, famous people, slavery) Keep in mind the school demand, so you don't promote books that you'll need when the students come in. Students have been intrigued, and it has done well as a display to show off books that have rarely or never been on display before. These ideas would be great for used bookstores, too. Here you will find programming outlines for children, teens, and new adults; book reviews; readers advisory tools; information literacy presentations; and lots of ideas. I worked in a library in college then later took some library science classes. Please leave me a comment with your suggestions. After, checking out your lensall I can say is WOW! 9 October - World Migratory . Laraine Sims from Lake Country, B.C. I've collected themes to use throughout the year for your library's displays. Weslandia Contest! but all men of cultured tastes know that books and not these instruments of recreations can satisfy our craving for knowledge and for stable and lasting companionship of the wise which is essential for the free development of our personality. Upton Hall - Welcome Back . If you've read my blog for awhile now, you probably know how much I LOVE lists! (Books on winterizing your house, winter sports like sledding, skiing, skating, and snowmobiling), VETERAN'S DAY - WORLD WAR II FICTION (Substitute other wars if you run short of books, cover the WWII with Vietnam War or WWI, etc. 2. This is a good resource for librarians. The theme of this year's National Library Week, April 3-9, is "Connect with Your Library.". The Stone Lion. (LogOut/ Click on the highlighted link above to see other historic events to feature. Ive added that one to the calendar. Thanks for an inspiring lens! Have it near the circulation desk so people will grab up one or two books before they check out. The potential reader has a manageable selection to browse through. from 14-20 March 2022. I recommend changing displays monthly, so a topic like Hispanic Heritage Month works great for that. Ill add in some of the ones you mentioned for sure. I'm not a librarian but I always wished I was! Alternate slogans: WELL-BEHAVED WOMEN SELDOM MAKE HISTORY, WOMEN YOU NEVER HEARD OF (fill it with lesser-known women's memoirs) By using Twitter and Instagram, I feel you can find some pretty amazing library displays ideas that wont take up too much time or kill your budget. It can still be used by readers and students. 35 Library monthly themes ideas in 2023 | library book displays, library displays, school library displays Library monthly themes 35 Pins 2w Collection by Julie Kaschmitter Krueger Similar ideas popular now Library Decor Book Display Classroom Library Library Lessons Library Bulletin Board Library Page Library Themes Library Work World Library I always love the special displays in libraries. I was amazed at how much information you put together. What a great resource for librarians. October is International School Library Month (ISLM), an annual celebration of school libraries worldwide. This also makes an ideal time to highlight all the art and drawing books. Merchandising and displaying the library's collection is not a frill. One of the libraries in the system where I work attends the large Viasakhi Parade every year. "Space Place" on NASA's website. I knew there were good ones Im missing. I love this list! The sign could say MONEY MATTERS or MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR MONEY or DOLLARS AND SENSE. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES - books on writing about your life or childhood, memoirs of famous people and ordinary people. I also feel that this one works because it is slightly more subtle and allows the books to really jump out. Eileen from Western Cape , South Africa on May 04, 2012: Wow ! For example, on December 7th, put some Pearl Harbor books on the rack. She took a whole bunch of red and green ones with gold and silver etchings and made them into a holiday (not Christmas) tree. When the display gets depleted, it's easy to change the sign and put fresh books on the rack. Here is a link to the site: Your top 9 posts: "Fiance made this as back-to-school themed bulletin board." by u/Viva_La_Natedog. What do you use to cut out your letters for your displays, especially the ones with different fonts? It's become a rather joke that other people do them and I tweak. It was an eye opener. Sign up to receive Check Your Shelf, the Librarian's One-Stop Shop For News, Book Lists, And More. Wow, thanks for these! There's a certain cachet to a book that someone else has just read. Hurrah for libraries and education! 2 months ago. Share it with other librarians here. Thats where social media comes in. The Saint John Public Library in New Brunswick, Canada has a wall for displaying books and a freestanding unit too. Libraries that feature books in displays help overcome that problem. Here are 10 ideas to help you celebrate School Library Month and connect with students, educators and parents: 1. Here are ten more display ideas for October. Follow up with It's RED Book Day, and so on. It's good to get at least one for the library's own collection so it can be used when training new staff. Sept. 8: International Literacy Day. Before planning a display for the month of May, or any other month in the . Its an easy idea to help students share some love. This might be a good spot to display a sign like TODAY IN HISTORY with something fresh each day. An alternate title for the display is ALL THINGS PIZZA or EVERYONE LOVES PIZZA. She reads up a storm, and then we have to find something else for her to read. May the 4th Be With You 2017: Star Wars Library Program, Guest Post: Celebrating Da with Puppet Theatre , Library Services for Children Journal Club, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, Martin Luther King Jr.s Birthday: social justice books (January 15), Multicultural Childrens Book Day (Last Friday in January), Lunar New Year (end of January/early February), Tu BShevat/Celebration of Trees (End of January/early February), Valentines Day/Blind Date with a Book (February 14), National Flag of Canada Day (February 15), Pink Shirt Day: anti-bullying and books with pink covers (End of February), Oscars: movies and actor biographies (end of February), Spring Reads/Spring into a Good Book (March 21), National Humour Month (joke and riddle books), May-nia (fill in with any alliterative title, such as Music May-nia), International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (May 17), National Indigenous Peoples Day (June 21), Dot Day: books with dots/spots; art and drawing books (September 15), Science Literacy Week (3rd week of September). Happy Cakeday, r/LibraryDisplays! 30% off $150 or more. The club will meet every last Tuesday of the month. A never forgetting lens ,gives a very clear idea about book displays. I remember when I was a kid and I always liked seeing the different displays in the library for the holidays and such. MAKE A GIFT FOR MOM (show off craft books for making gifts that would appeal to mothers), GROW YOUR OWN FOOD - (vegetable gardening, edible landscaping, fruit and nut trees), BEAUTIFY YOUR YARD - (landscaping, tree planting, shrubs, decks, paths, pools). THIS YEAR I WILL LEARN HOW TO (fill the display with how-to book on hobbies, sports, cooking, all sorts of skills), READ IT WITH A BOX OF KLEENEX (a chance to feature weepers from the fiction collection), KICK OFF YOUR YEAR WITH A GREAT BOOK (pretty much an open topic for award-winning books or classics or favorites). Try featuring a trio of books in the center of a round study table. I need some idea or some topic for book display in December. 2021-2022 Curriculum and . ALZHEIMER AWARENESS MONTH - fiction and nonfiction about alzheimer's, caregivers, choosing a nursing home. I love the idea of using clear plastic stands to display all the books you are trying to feature. I wanted to make a display to highlight the amazing range of stories by diverse authors in our library and to bring to light important societal issues. We'll only have two days of school this week since it falls during Thanksgiving week. Thank you, this will help many kids (and adults) stay inspired to read and learn. Did I miss any ideas your community loves? Love your lense and love my public library in Fairfax, Virginia, all three near me. Send it to Look for good-sized, eye-catching holiday or seasonal items. And librarians could get some good ideas from bookstores as well. Explore this guide to learn about the display topics and discover more books in our collection. Set up a table top display of a stack of dessert cookbooks and place 2 or 3 standing up next to it. Anne Frank. 202.962.3680 It makes me wish I was back in the public library world, instead of the dry corporate one (where we don't even keep the dust jackets!). I am definitely going to look at those book displays in a totally different way from now on. This display has been very popular with students. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Here are some example themes that Librarian Judy Brown has used at. This one is also MARAVILLOSO! October is a time set aside for celebrating, promoting, and appreciating the global diversity of our society. Native American Heritage Month Library Display by Mary Alessi at The Decker Library at Maryland Institute College of Art the pin Mustache Library Display at Hinsdale Public Library View this post on Instagram Check out our own #heygirl series being featured on our Women's History display at the Southeast Branch Library. SPORTS AND FITNESS MONTH (feature books about aerobics, weightlifting, biking, hiking, and all sorts of sports), STAFF FAVORITES (get everyone on the staff to pull 2 or 3 books that they liked and put them in this display). Invite students to suggest their favorite books for a display, along with a note about why they liked it and why they think . This is excellent . Well thought out displays really do help encourage reading, often suggesting books on topics people wouldn't normally consider reading. I dont think so, it seems to range sometime in the 1st week or so. Thank you so much for this list! Some topics we included are music, science, history, cooking, and sports. Reading Gives You All the Feels Bulletin Board Display, New Year, New Books Bulletin Board Display, New Year New Goals Adult Non-Fiction Book Bin Display, YA Display Materials: Not Your Average Highschool, April Is Poetry Month: Teen Display Resources, Blind Date With A Book with List Tips and Tricks, Flow Chart Display: Try a New Type Of Book, Flow Chart Display: Meet Your Next Literary BFF, Sick of Superheroes? I love books, but i have negative feedback in library for my librarian before was very strict hahaha,, thanks nice lens. Debbie from England on February 07, 2011: Some of the schools I go into have the most disgusting, untidy, libraries. Reading a book, to me, is like having a conversation of sorts with the author. Your topic is more important than mine . Thanks so much for sharing! American Education Week Nov. 18 -24th. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. There's nothing more forlorn than an empty, neglected book display. Need library display ideas? Ultimately, the library wants to circulate books, encourage reading and connect with patrons. Fill these with enticing displays of books and other library materials. Blessed! Required fields are marked *. Its okay for library displays to have a message, in my opinion. MOTHERS ARE SPECIAL (for Mother's Day, feature books about mothers and motherhood), GROWING SPRING FLOWERS - (feature books about bulbs, flower gardening in general, growing azaleas), LOVE IS BLOOMING (have you noticed how many romance books have flowery covers? We encourage students to take both books to learn more about the topics. This set of September Library posters is part of my larger Year of Library Displays set. Great ideas here and very interesting take on libraries. Have a great afternoon, Shelly. HUG A POET - National Poetry Month (feature poetry books, biographies of poets and how to write poetry) I recommend separate displays for poetry for children and poetry for adults. I always read the book before I watch the movie! I actually like dogs better than cats so I cant believe I missed it . Visit us at the Roseland Regional Library . Thanks for all the ideas both about book displays and as a lens maker. I really do love book displays, I suppose it goes along with my love of books in general. Now if I only could get a job as a Librarian! The Library and Information Association (LIASA) is celebrating South African Library Week (SALW) for the 20th time in 2022, with the theme ReImagine! Virginia Allain (author) from Central Florida on December 18, 2012: @LeslieMirror: Chat with a librarian sometime and find out more about their job. GET READY FOR GARDENING (books on pruning, planning the vegetable garden, spring flowers, landscaping), APRIL SHOWERS - READ FOR HOURS (leisure reading of any kind), SHAPE UP FOR SUMMER (feature books on exercise, outdoor activities like biking, swimming, hiking), HAVE A HOPPY EASTER (use an Easter Bunny graphic and feature children's books on Easter, bunnies, chicks, Easter crafts and throw in some spring titles if you run low on the others), GET READY FOR EARTH DAY (show off books about conservation, ecology, green living, save the earth). So much info that I can't process all of it. I love books and I love the displays featured on your lens. (LogOut/ Great lens inspirational I'd say. Hi Tara, thank you for sharing that special day! Find out if you can post video promotions on it. Library bulletin boards can be a great way to show off your current programs, books, and ideas. Don't forget biographies of people who had it. This itself is a great library lens of brilliant ways to keep and collect books. This month, our theme is Flowers Everywhere! Ive given specific ideas for kid-friendly activities in my Countdown to Vaisakhi resource too. As a former teacher, I know how important reading is. World Introvert Day - Showcase books about discovering yourself.. Earth's Rotation Day - Show off your space and Earth-themed books.