Fibers are dyed in batches, and if you run out of yarn and are forced to buy some from another dye lot, your entire project will look sloppy. 4.8/5. Fun fact: Girls only started having Bat Mitzvahs in the 1960s. The Torah is typically passed from one generation to the next and ends up in the arms of the child who is having the Bar Mitzvah. These serve to remind the Jew of Gd and His commandments.. The service is always more special when loved ones play a role. Wrapping oneself in a shawl during prayer or reading from the Torah is meant to aid in attaining a proper mood of reverence for God. You can view or download Bar mitzvah tallits presentations for your school assignment or business presentation. Klo~vof]sH~JkUMe>U=,:sS1Z3B/qUWB/Wm]n{e4s These rituals are merely custom and vary from one synagogue to the next. The standard Shawl style Tallit size which we at Galilee Silks make for young men and adults is 20"x72". Life Cycle. for a unique Jewish gift, a beautiful piece of jewelry, cosmetics from the Dead And, if you are looking for more Bnai Mitzvah info, make sure to check out these other BMA blog posts: Bat Mitzvah Dresses: Ultimate Shopping Guide, Candle Lighting Songs for Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Awesome Jewish Summer Camps in California: Overnight + Day. Imagine an old-fashioned sewing circle where the instructor goes from student to student giving them their next stitch. Shel Silverstein is the guy who wrote The Giving Tree and other perfection. We can also provide talllit bags with the bar mitzvah boys name Davids Bar Mitzvah. June 1, 2009. A tallit () is a Jewish prayer shawl.As per the Bible's instructions, the rectangular tallit has fringes attached to each of its four corners. If this is something that interests you, be sure to purchase a canvas that has enough blank areas to fit the name. The Sages said ideally a mitzvah should be performed in a beautiful manner , Go to Weaving Creation/Maaseh Oreg Tallit Sets>>>, Bar Mitzvah Tallit Enter Tallit Store>>>, Superb quality fur and genuine leather tallit bags. Receiving an aliyahthat is, being called to the Torah at a Shabbat morning service to recite the blessings before and after the ritual chanting of the weekly Torah readingis the essential ritual activity of the bar/bat mitzvah at the worship service. Bar Mitzvah Tallits. 3. You may still hire a DJ who is too loud and a dance team thats too perky, because sometimes its hard to stop a tsunami (aka your daughter), but you can still have a service that is meaningful. ]Z]iOrcOuD{TpI 1Fnb3cd LSv\dM? A Bar Mitzvah Tallit Set is a traditional Jewish garment worn by a young Jewish boy on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah. A tallit, a Jewish prayer shawl, is given to the honoree as a symbol of their transition into adulthood and the opportunity to lead the congregation in prayer and learning. These workshops, led by Rabbi Perry, are an invaluable tool for families to address issues . Last line:Blessed are You, God, Spirit of the Universe, who creates the fruit of the vine. Wanting to celebrate your Bar Mitzvah in Israel, you can only trust Letizia Events for making it a spectacular event. Last line:Blessed is the Eternal One, Giver of the Torah. The standard Traditional style is 55"x72". Needlepointing a tallit canvas can take you six months to a year. Three biggies that might come up (if they havent already): The good thing about Bar/Bat mitzvahs is that they bring family together. Our current temple is not like that. > G. They drove slowly through town, when suddenly Judy caught sight of a dusty sign reading, Jakes Bibles & Hebrew Collectibles. Sample Bar and Bat Mitzvah Parent Speeches - A terrific resource featuring complete speeches actually delivered by parents on the Bima to their sons and daughters. Trust me when I say this store is awesome, from the large variety of canvases to their skilled instructors and store staff, and their finishers. Todays Bar/Bat Mitzvahs have a not-altogether-undeserved bad rap, especially in the U.S., because in many cases, so much focus is placed on the party, the clothes, the food, the entertainment, the theme, and all of that, that the spiritual side gets eclipsed. Make an account, keep the readings there. Lets just drop in for a moment, she said to Robin. It is also often worn by Jewish males at all times as a sign of piety. Bar Mitzvah Tallit. First line: Rabbi will read as the generations take the Torah and pass it to each other Grandparents, Parents, Bar Mitzvah. But what can you do? Overcome this daunting situation with these tips. Historically we have not been very jewish. This is one of his beauties for sure. In numerous non-orthodox communities, a woman will start wearing Tallit right after her Bat Mitzvah in a similar way that men start, and the boys begin wearing the Tallitot after the Bat Mitzvah. Honest to God, with a little extra effort and a rabbi with some creativity, its not that hard to make a Bar/Bat Mitzvah a meaningful milestone that isnt a gaudy mess. If you think the part asking people to hold hands wont fly with your group, just edit out the second line. Think about all the things you can do when you reach your 16 th birthday. There is a general feeling that judaism is about love. Create stunning presentation online in just 3 steps. I am conservative. Weaving Creation Handwoven Tallit Sets. It is especially important for Jewish males to wear a kippah during a Bar Mitzvah ceremony. 7pU_t/ This letter was written by Paula Gottesman (Archies mom) when she wanted to have a Bat Mitzvah for her daughter, Sally. The person who passed away is also . The tallit (prayer shawl) is worn by adult Jews over the age of bar/bat mitzvah, though some traditionalist Jews don't wear one until marriage. Synagogue or no, your kid is going to need a tutor for the Hebrew. Yosef Gabso and Ori Faran on their looms in the Old City of Jerusalem. This means that children are not required to fast on Yom Kippur, observe Shabbat (Sabbath) prohibitions, or perform other religious rituals, although in actuality children are slowly educated about the commandments and inculcated into their eventual observance. That is great! This event is celebrated on the 13th birthday of a Jewish boy, and involves him donning a tallit, or prayer shawl, for the first time. Its not a pillow or a picture in a frame. Sound like fun? WHEN PRESENTING TALLIT 1. Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish celebration. Translation: My soul, bless the L-rd! The general feel was that you are jewish because your parents are jewish and if you don't then you will burn in hell. Wool yarn is a popular choice. Some are even considered controversial, as their inclusion lengthens the worship services and turns a public, communal worship service into a seemingly private event. And dont forget to add your own initials as the artist. Storyset Free editable illustrations. Wishing Mazel Tov to David upon reaching this milestone in his life. Try to remember that the celebration is about the teen who is having the Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and if you can, put your differences aside for the sake of the kid. on all orders $10 + on our entire web store (excludes oversize items), You are here: Home page > | Amen. Nan's birthday. So much love, time and money go into the creation of a tallit bag. Rabbis Speeches. There are more other occasions when Tallit is being worn. If youve never been to a Saturday morning service, we have a whole section on that. (In Hebrew, bar means son, bat means daughter, and mitzvah means commandment.) And believe me, after working on something this precious, you want the best possible finisher to transform your work into something stunning, not poorly sewn or misshapen. (The Torah is read on Mondays and Thursdays too in some congregations.) %PDF-1.3 But Holocaust survivors could use a little help too. What Better Way To Remember Baby's First Chanukah Celebration Than With This Keepsake Frame. The teen presents the work during or in lieu of a religious ceremony. /q5vw?!/ u[V_| W/hOsgnT; "V{XRnh> l%$\v2\d.s90pRa6;\P6!c.yeD?2Mo? In that case, the ceremony might take place outside the synagogue. Why shop with us|Contact Us|Returns Made Easy|FAQ, Free Shipping! The presentation of a tallit is a special moment in a bnei mitzvah ceremony, as it signifies a young persons transition from childhood to adulthood and their commitment to Jewish law. Men should wear suits and ties to a Bar/Bat mitzvah, while women should dress in formal gowns. What is Bar Mitzvah. So here is the thing, half of the Jewish families that we know are headed by a couple where one of them is not Jewish. Bar Mitzvah - Mens Tallit. Honestly, people who havent made one themselves really have no idea what a valuable work of art it is. Most tallit bags are 13 stitches to the inch because it allows more durable, thicker yarns like wools to be utilized. Among all the other preparations, choosing a tallit for the Bat Mitzva often ends up in a tedious scenario. Starting at $260. In order to choose where I wanted to enroll for classes, I visited each one during an actual class to see if I like what the stitchers were making; I figured out that the canvas design didnt matter as much as the instructors skill in choosing colors and threads. 4 It is important to dress appropriately for a Bar/BAM because it is such a special occasion. Fabulous bar mitzvah tallit possibilities. Either way, your kid is probably going to need to work with a Hebrew tutor, just so you know. What is the purpose and meaning of the tallis in the modern world. A GUIDE TO THE SIMPLE PRESENTATION - . And what an 11-year-old likes right now such as cutesy flowers or unicorns may not be something they want to carry to High Holy Days when they are 40 years old! The Green Marble Hand Painted Silk on Wool Tallit, Bar Mitzva Tallit, Tzitzit, Jewish Prayer Shawl. Whether you are looking Trust us on this one. GRCHAI2-. Amen, First line:Leader: Baruch et Adonai hamvorach. For more details, visit: Also, all the kids in the class will likely have Bar/Bat Mitzvahs the same year, which means a lot of parties and in general, a fun year, especially if you know the kids. It is typically made of wool or silk, and has four corners with fringes. Browse for the presentations on every topic that you want. When the Torah is removed from the ark, many communities invite the grandparents and parents of the child to the bimah (pulpit) and physically hand the Torah from one generation to another, symbolizing the chain and continuity of the Jewish tradition within families. TAC-RDC, Product code: In the liberal movements, most parents recite the Shehecheyanu, which reads, Praised are You, Adonai our God, ruler of the universe, who has kept us in life, sustained us, and brought us to this day. In fact, Jews recite this blessing at every momentous occasion and holiday, thanking God for the privilege of being alive to celebrate the event. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. I learned about my Torah reading so that I was able to give a speech about it. Acrylic Stripes with certified Kosher kosher Tzitzit, Traditional Talit, Prayer Shawl, jewish gift, Jerusalemjewelercom. xG):@,$D$6"^{v:p)7H U^{z9fOuwUu_/lUk:t}; I don't want to say anything like that. Visit Galilee Silk to get the high-quality silk tallit for Bar mitzvah boy. When my daughter was about 10, I decided to make her a bag; it was going to be my first needlepoint project ever, although I had done cross stitch for years (and was even a member of the Pomegranate Society, a national organization for Jewish stitchers.). Religious Clothing, halakha, Mezuzah, kippah, tallit, Jewish ceremonial art, menorah, Judaism, religion, signage, Star of David, jewish Symbolism Making speeches to the bar/bat mitzvah child. In some synagogues, the parents . Made in the Negev by Mishkan Hatechelet. At most synagogues, there is a service held every Shabbat (Saturday) morning, usually at 9:30 or 10 in the morning. (Not all Bar/Bat Mitzvah parties are over the top, but dont pretend like you dont know what we mean.) It's beautiful and important! These projects are considered an act of tzedakah or tikkun olam and can include organizing a fundraising event or taking on a long-term community service project. 4 0 obj Pronounced: a-LEE-yuh for synagogue use, ah-lee-YAH for immigration to Israel, Origin: Hebrew, literally, to go up. This can mean the honor of saying a blessing before and after the Torah reading during a worship service, or immigrating to Israel. Way to go, Paula! While nepotism is generally frowned on in the business world, the celebration of bar/bat mitzvah is considered an ideal opportunity for other members of the family to participate in the worship services. Required fields are marked *. For more details, visit:\n. 1. $329.00 USD Sale. Maximum 2 to 3 minutes (at most). The lyrics tell those that are being celebrated to go begin the life journey they are meant to have, and to be a blessing in the world, which is essentially the journey all Jewish people are meant to have. Bar Mitzvah. qV8KZ First line: The Torah and our Jewish traditions have been stewarded for thousands of years. Stay tuned for occasional emails about all things Jewish. Bar Mitzvah Tallit PowerPoint PPT Presentations. . While every Bar Mitzvah boy and Bat Mitzvah girl may wear a tallit during services, the pieces of cloth are all unique. Find a local or online needlepoint store that has tallit bag canvases for sale. This is a common question asked by many. When you were born I scoured the city for the softest, baby blue-est blanket I could find to keep you warm. A word of caution make sure you buy the entire amount of threads needed to completely finish your project before you begin! RABBI MICHAEL S. BEALS CANTOR ELISA ABRAMS COHN . Im not sure if they are still in stock because inventory changes so often at needlepoint shops across the country. Yosef Gabso and Ori Faran on their looms in the Old City of Jerusalem. We have a thing. The even tension of the canvas and your stitches is critical. The mitzvah (commandment) is to remember God, to further holiness in our lives, and to keep the commandments; the tzitzit are the visual reminder. Made In America. For more details, visit: authorSTREAM Presentation It is a gift that will be your legacy as that child grows up, always remembering the love you put into creating a piece of personalized Judaica. These posable frogs will keep little hands occupied throughout the Passover seder. A tallit bar mitzvah is a Jewish ceremony that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. When choosing a design, you can ask the Bar or Bat Mitzvah what they prefer, but remember that you hope this item will last a lifetime. If youre having the Bar/Bat Mitzvah in a synagogue, its a lot like a regular Saturday morning service with some extra. I enjoy jewish music and culture. So where to begin? Another event when tallit can be worn is during burial. Browse pg9767.yad resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. Wearing a kippah during a Bar Mitzvah is a sign of respect and reverence to God and the Jewish faith. For one thing, when your kid is a third grader, he or she will admire the big kids in seventh grade having their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and get excited about their turn. View Bar mitzvah tallits PowerPoint (PPT) presentations online in SlideServe. Most tallit bags are 13 stitches to the inch because it allows more durable, thicker yarns like wools to be utilized. Before putting on the tallit: Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam asher k'dshanu b'mitzvotav Tallit Wholesale - Contact us for details, choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. And we love it and hope you do too! A bar or bat mitzvah is a Jewish coming of age ritual in which a special prayer is said and a tallit is given away. With over 20 years in the industry, Zion brings you the largest selection of kippas and yarmulkes available. Passing the Torah through the generations. Other families choose to go to Israel to celebrate, taking part in a group Bar/Bat Mitzvah with other teens and their families. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> EM-THE-4-V, Product code: TBO-R, Product code: Some people like to personalize a tallit bag with the childs name in Hebrew letters. The lyrics tell those that are being celebrated to go begin the life journey they are meant to have, and to be a blessing in the world, which is essentially the journey all Jewish people are meant to have. Starting at $260 If you buy your canvas online and are just doing plain stitches, I still suggest you call the store to ask them to send you suggested threads in the right colors and materials to finish your piece. Hand-Crafted With Mixed Metal And Set On A Flat Base, This Gary Rosenthal Chai Sculpture Exhibits The Artist's Traditional Designs. Makeyour Bar Mitzvah Tallit one of a kind with a Personalized name embroidery on the Tallit bag! Just take a look at the face of the mom or grandma who spent months stitching the perfect bag for the Bar or Bat Mitzvah as they bring it up to the bimah on that special day talk about kvelling with pride! OK, let's memorize a paragraph in a language we don't speak. "Today you follow in the footsteps of so many generations who came before youand step into a future made brighter by your love for your faith, your family and your community.". Pronounced: ah-doe-NYE, Origin: Hebrew, a name for God. Needlepoint teachers are adept at making your project the best it can be, and help troubleshoot any issues that arise. Videvo Free . Then you need to send it off to a special finisher who sews your handiwork into a beautiful bag with a satin lining, embroidered name and date, and a zippered closure. Also, these arguments must be backed up and our writers know exactly how such writing can be efficiently pulled off. JewBelongs National Antisemitism Campaign, jewbelongs national antisemitism campaign, Chanting An Aliyah:This is when your teen is called up to the bimah to recite the blessings for the weeks Torah reading. A thoughtful and heartfelt message will make the gift meaningful and memorable no matter how much money you spend. An appropriate gift for a bnai mitzvah is something that is meaningful and will be appreciated by the recipient. It is critical to dress modestly when attending a bar mitzvah. JewBelong opinion alert: Since Jews make up less than half a percent of the worlds population, and were pretty much the only ones supporting Jewish causes, we suggest choosing a Jewish organization to support. Bar Mitzvah tallit for a Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall - Our collection of bar mitzvah tallit includes elegant handmade. Wearing a tallit is not required, but it is an option for those who wish to take part. They can also be done more simply, such as collecting supplies for a local shelter or food pantry. Our Jewish foremothers are each known for their unique strengths Eves fortitude, Rachels compassion and Deborahs self-esteem to name a few. The Tallit is a four-cornered prayer shawl with specially knotted fringes, called tzitzit, worn as a reminder to live a mitzvah-centered life. Let us know in the comments below! By Bethany Kandel. One Week Before. EM-TSW2-V, Previous| And then everyone reaches for a tissue because it was so sweet to watch. For more details, visit: View Sample. Pronounced: tah-LEET or TAH-liss, Origin: Hebrew, prayer shawl. Presentation and Special Gifts Purim Shabbat Shofars Tallit, Kippah, Tefilin Tzedakah Boxes Woman of Valor / Breast Cancer Yads Yahrzeits and Memorials % It is seen as a sign of religious adulthood and is an important part of the ceremony. A typical canvas comes in a stitch measurement of either 13 or 18. Theres this thing called a dye lot. '}45EP`tj^c3d$u6ds1F ZVD a|=L%9u&gTLI' :%nkBtN)R\ahf\$_H^ zG~'uW_m;A2FV7 ir'>y:Q%vF8!--@)zK b U2K1uCUC;| 7X+4.!==)!b`#4k? Some families just do the first line (up to Amen) and others do the full blessing. The tallit is typically given with words of blessing and encouragement from the giver and is a reminder of the responsibilities of adulthood. Do girls wear tallit for bat mitzvah? Hand Crafted and Personalized Bar Mitzvah Tallit Online Store - Access useful information on the Bar Mitzvah occasion here and the Bar Mitzvah Tallit options you have with Galilee Silks. The Tallit . Custom & Personalized Bar Mitzvah Tallit. A lot of our kids dont feel connected to Judaism, and a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is indeed something to be celebrated. Bar Mitzvah Save the Date, Starry Might Bar Mitzvah Invitation, Hebrew Invitation, Coming of Age Ceremony Invite, Blue Bar Mitzvah Invite. Because someday Jack is going to get off his ass and pop the question and youre going to get to plan that wedding you've been thinking about since third grade. The tallit (prayer shawl) is worn by adult Jews over the age of bar/bat mitzvah, though some traditionalist Jews dont wear one until marriage. I kept that blanket neatly folded in the crib I set up in my office, ready for when you were left in my care. These rabbis are re-visioning the meaning of the blessing in a more modern context as symbolizing a new stage in the childs life and in the parent-child relationship. Nans birthday. The tallit also serves as a symbol for the boys transition into adulthood, as it is a reminder of his commitment to God and his Jewish faith. December. More colors. Made with designs that inspire meaningful prayers, in a variety of materials and styles, these tallit prayer shawls are handsome and classy, ideal choices all of them for a boy's special day when he enters manhood and takes on responsibility for upholding Judaism and the commandments. December. Don't miss this song! With help from his parents, Gioel (left) and Ronni, Luca Molinari ties the final knots days before his bar mitzvah. Keep it short. Go to Modern Tallits>>>, The weavers at Gabrieli produce a large array of designs, from various styles in wool in traditional colors, to cotton and silk tallits in bold colors and patterns. The Sculpture Stands 10" High X 2.5" Wide X 3" Long. This event is marked by a ceremony called the ___ ______________ Bar Mitzvah means _________________. It's a time when people look back, each on her or his own Bat Mitzvah or Bar Mitzvah. During this moving ritual, family members and loved ones stand side-by-side and pass the Torah down to the Bar Mitzvah to welcome them into the chain of Jewish tradition. A typical canvas comes in a stitch measurement of either 13 or 18. a bar mitzvah tallit. (Synthetic materials should not be used to make a tallit as they may not bear any mitzvah of tzitzit.) Before donning the tallit, one recites the blessing: EM-TFE-8-V, Product code: And then everyone reaches for a tissue because it was so sweet to watch. Bar Mitzvah. Next. That refers to how many stitches per inch or how small the holes are on the canvas. This post contains affiliate links. EM-TS-8-V, Product code: ungvar. High Holidays Booklet - Just Print Copies! Price $120.61. We joined the temple later than usual so she can have a more traditional bat mitzvah. % Even if you do not bring a yarmulke or kippah, the family may offer one to you when you arrive. The tallit is a symbol of spiritual protection, and is said to represent the boys responsibility to observe the laws of the Torah. Dont miss. Jewish Prayer Shawl Do You Know the Colors Available For. If planning to buy a tallit, this buying guide will be a boon to help you decide the colors one should go for while choosing wedding or bar mitzvah tallitot. Why make an account and save your favorite JewBelong stuff? . | An kippah or yarmulke is a special symbol of reverence for the occasion, and it can be personalized with a logo or monogram, as well as personalized with the events name, the date, and the city and Wearing the kippah, which symbolizes respect, will make the occasion even more special. This item qualifies for Free Shipping on orders over $149 on select items. All Rights Reserved, What a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Guest Needs to Know. The wordmazil tov is a Hebrew phrase that means good fortune, and it is commonly used to express good fortune on special occasions, such as a bar or bat mitzvah. )Rb+Xx/O7O.`ezO|]l(xEN}N;_Z(x(*ym6. It is also a reminder of the commitment to live a life of holiness and strict adherence to the laws of the Torah. To be more accurate, there are . W9WEAl@R;Bar"bx3#'I'x@=HZfZJgKLG:mo{1[YTV#e]pG0%)!nm(k4)+$m?Zgh6,6@[6` Qifgz_zl\]>m?i=JTpDqxm+'b*Gq4TCq}'!#x. Teaching philanthropy and social justice to a teen, can be a lifelong lesson that frankly makes this whole Bar/Bat Mitzvah thing worth the effort. Since they are carried under your arm, perhaps rubbing against a suit jacket or a purse, the fibers need to be durable. Why isnt there a blessing for that person who is not Jewish but participating in a Jewish home/life! Your whole family is coming for the Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Blue, Gray and Silver shades stripes Wool Tallit, Bar Mitzvah Tallit Set Tzitzit from Israel. To make the blessing more palatable to the modern ear, some of these rabbis have developed kavanot (spiritual preparations) to introduce it or new translations of the blessing itself. During the Bar Mitzvah ceremony, the tallit is draped over the shoulders of the Bar Mitzvah boy. For more details, visit our website: https:\/\/\/collections\/bar-mitzvah-tallit\n, 2023 SlideServe | Powered By DigitalOfficePro. The tallit bar mitzvah is a time of celebration, joy, and commitment to a life of Jewish tradition. For more details, visit: https:\/\/\/\n, The Bar Mitzvah Tallit always carries a huge significance for every Jew. Search A-Z The Jewish World Life Online Network. You enwrap [Yourself] with light as with a garment; You spread the heaven as a curtain. Dear Joshua, You are my oldest grandchild. First line: May everyone who shares in a Jewish life feel welcome and integrated. The fringes have hand-tied knots, symbolizing the 613 commandments written into the Torah. A handmade needlepoint tallit bag is a work of art and love that can last a lifetime. $299.00 USD. The even tension of the canvas and your stitches is critical. Amen. For more . judaica; torah; bar mitzvah . Go to Gabrieli Tallit Sets>>>, One-of-a-kind custom tallits lovingly woven in cotton by craftsmen First line:Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, borei pree hagafen. To describe the Jewish initiation ceremony - Bar Mitzvah. My Bar Mitzvah. Keeping them this way is essential to uniform stitching. This reading calls on each Jewish daughter to look to her foremothers for inspiration and wisdom. For more details, visit this link . Slidesgo Free presentation templates. Pronounced: BEE-muh, Origin: Hebrew, literally stage, this is the raised platform in a synagogue from which services are led and the the Torah is read. The only way to fix this problem would be to rip out the entire section and completely redo it. Powered by Having divorced parents or estranged relatives can also make for a stressful ceremony. How much will it cost? Bar mitzvah tallit sets beyond compare. nasaa presents:. I provide all of this history because it explains why I am having a problem coming up with the speech about the tallis. It marks the transformation from childhood to adulthood. Jewish Coming of Age. Show: Recommended. Webexcart, Yair Emanuel Jerusalem Tallit Set -Mutli Color, Yair Emanuel Painted Silk Tallit Set - Jerusalem Dove, Wool Tallit with Lurex Stripes - Standard Colors, Yair Emanuel Raw Silk Tallit Magen David -Gold, Yair Emanuel Matriarches Tallit Set - Colorful, Yair Emanuel Jerusalem Neckband Tallit Set -Silver, Yair Emanuel Jerusalem Neckband Tallit Set -Blue, Yair Emanuel Jerusalem Neckband Tallit Set -Gold, Yair Emanuel Matriarches Tallit Set -Multi Color, Yair Emanuel Matriarches Tallit Set -Silver, Yair Emanuel Raw Silk Tallit Jerusalem -Blue.