For examples Chapters such as the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves and White Scars utilise different organisational structures, idiosyncratic terminology, specialised ranks, as well as maintaining long-ingrained traditions of their own individual cultures. The categorisation "Civilised World" describes a wide range of societies and technology levels, but in general such worlds will be a functioning part of a larger sector, with trade links to nearby worlds. Others utilise large numbers of bike-mounted warriors, sometimes mounting entire Tactical squads on bikes and attack bikes. While in the midst of this radical and severely painful transformation, a warrior must overcome the shadow within himself, lest they are overcome and fall to the Curse of the Wulfen and become a giant, feral creature no longer sane or human. The Dark Angels were the first of the Emperor's Space Marine Legions, and in their earliest incarnation fought as the personal army of the Master of Humanity in the dawning years of the Great Crusade and in the shadowed campaigns that preceded it. The type of terrain in which a Chapter builds its Fortress-Monastery might have little bearing on its character, but may have plenty, especially if that terrain has shaped the qualities of the peoples from which it recruits. Most Chapters maintain sufficient stocks of armoured transport vehicles such as Rhinos and Razorbacks to transport entire companies, and some have become masters of the mechanised assault, the Battle-Brothers taking objectives with terrifying speed or bearing down on an entrenched foe before he even has time to mount a defence. Targets are selected so as to cause maximum disruption of enemy command and control nets, with precision strikes called against leaders and communication nodes so that once coherent armies are reduced to disparate masses of uncoordinated and utterly demoralised mobs. This occurred only once in Imperial history, during the Second Founding, when the First Founding Loyalist Legions were sundered into multiple Chapters, with one retaining the original heraldry, livery and honours of the original Legion. Those planets used by the Space Marines as recruiting worlds are observed closely by the Chapter's Apothecaries and Chaplains. Rather than let them face a slow, insane death, Blood Angels will form those who have newly succumbed to the Black Rage into a special unit known as the Death Company. Contact with other planets and peoples is relatively common, amongst the upper echelons of society at least, and the people see themselves as subjects of the greater Imperium. Of course, most wars fought by the Imperium are viewed as a matter of racial survival, so no justification is required. If your Chapter is an Ultramarines Successor it should follow the Codex Combat Doctrine, unless you have a strong reason for them not to and a good background idea to support it. Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Battle-Brothers, and so ultimately, units such as armoured vehicles are always deployed in support of the Brethren. In many cases the predators are human, such as the gelt-scalpers that prey on the outcasts of hive societies, culling the unwanted for monetary reward. There are a myriad of other concerns too. Codices for particular armies were introduced for the second edition of the game. These might be warriors seconded from another Chapter, perhaps even a First Founding Progenitor, or they might be the first true sons of the Chapter itself. The most common elements between iterations include: Codex supplements provide additional rules for sub-factions of a parent army. Some Chapters field a proportion of specialised units that differs from that favoured in the Codex, such as favouring Assault Squads over Tactical Squads, and some even field more than the prescribed ten companies. 94. Some of these Chapters utilise subtle modifications to armour and weaponry, shielding them from detection until the very last moment. The world's occupants are packed into industrial centres called hive-cities so that as much of the surface remains as accessible as possible and the workforce can be controlled and focused to maximum effect. are not tanks at all, but the Titans of the Adeptus Titanicus. A common feature of this style of warfare is the unimaginable cost in lives of taking any ground at all. When extremes of stress and trauma stretch even the prodigious mental and spiritual strength of a Space Marine, those qualities that make him a glorious exemplar of Humanity may turn him into the very opposite. Only a very small number of Chapters can be described as truly unique, and even they share many qualities with plenty of other Chapters. There is even a Codex: . Few planetary militias will stand idly by and watch as Imperial Guard units from off-world conduct pogroms against their kin and burn their homes to the ground. It is said that the Disciples of Caliban, a Dark Angels Successor, were created following the direct appeal of the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels. After several years of total war, it is possible that the belligerents have forgotten the initial cause of hostilities. Others regard it as their duty to dispatch strike forces to every corner of the Imperium. This curse has thwarted all attempts by the Apothecarion of the Scions of Sanguinius for ten millennia, and most likely will continue to remain elusive. The Codex Astartes counsels a Chapter Master to husband his forces with the utmost care and to take a strategic view on its status, casting his mind forward centuries into the future so that it may stand against any threat that may emerge. A list of relics, arcane items and weapons for your guys. Fortunately for the Imperium, manpower is one resource it can afford to squander; planets are not. Many Chapter utilise iterations of common Imperial icons, such as the eagle, eagle wings, skulls and armoured fists. The warriors conducting the purge are likely to be drawn from elite units such as the Space Marines, who are able to attack swiftly, with overwhelming force, before the enemy can react. New Space Marine Chapters are not created piecemeal as required by the Imperium of Man's strategic needs, but rather in deliberate groupings called "Foundings." To do is not simply a matter of making the best use of the environment, but of surviving the very worst that environment can throw at the Battle-Brothers and even turning it against the foe. Death worlds are planets so inimitable to life that unless they harboured some essential resource Mankind would have no reason to set foot on them at all. The Codex offers a lot of leeway on many subjects, offering not a single solution to a given problem, but many potential courses of action. The events an Aspirant experiences during that trial will live on in their hearts and minds for the rest of their lives. Perhaps a Chapter stood alongside a particular Imperial Guard regiment during an especially gruelling campaign, and witnessed the sacrifice and nobility of the common Imperial Guard trooper. Listed below is a table that shows the percentage of deficiency for each First Founding Chapter: Chapters drawn from the gene-stock of the Ultramarines are very unlikely to exhibit any deficiencies in their gene-seed, for their Progenitor's stock is amongst the purest in existence. Furthermore, there have been many instances when environmental conditions have made it impossible for Imperial Guard infantry to operate, and only the sealed tanks can be fielded. were already deliberately expunged from all known Imperial records and archives before the onset of the Horus Heresy in the early 31st Millennium. Thomas / Goatboy. A 'Codex Chapter' which closely (if not completely) follows the doctrines of the Codex Astartes, is led by a Chapter Master and made up of ten companies, each consisting of up to one hundred Marines and commanded by an officer with the rank of Captain. When the Chapter has less need of new material, the Trials may continue until only one battered and bloody challenger remains, the corpses of his enemies carpeting the ground before him. This is where you start to link the various elements and build an overall picture of your custom Chapter. The Great Crusade set the stage for many of the most memorable feuds. The adjective and noun can also be reversed, as is common amongst Blood Angels Successors (such as "Angels Encarmine"). Many aspire to the qualities displayed by the creature, displaying related motifs in their livery and titles. This comes with the added danger that much of the sort of lore the Blood Ravens seek is dangerous in and of itself, either as proscribed texts or things touched and tainted by the Warp. Hive worlds often fall into this category, especially the lawless underhives and the polluted ash wastes between the hive cities. The Primaris Marines, however originally engineered by the Archmagos Dominus Belisarius Cawl on the orders of Roboute Guilliman are implanted with a further three additional organs. It is comparatively rare for a Chapter to involve itself in the practical considerations of administering its home world, and even when one does so, the more prosaic details are often left to Chapter Serfs or leaders from the population. Many Chapters lay claim to a particular home world, yet are rules in name only. Although harsh, Humanity can afford no less in the battle for its very survival. You can say that your Chapter doesn't know the exact origin of its gene-seed and hint that their might be a possible connection to Traitor gene-seed, but don't explicitly come out and say it. By removing the dangerous failings of the flesh, the Iron Hands believe that they are eradicating any threats to the eventual dominance of Humanity over the galaxy. Below are a few examples of some non-Codex oriented Chapters variant company colours. Our Discord community is three years old, and . As the so-called "Angels of Death," the Space Marines' very existence is defined by their ability to slay their foes. It is only those Civilised Worlds that maintain the most rigid military traditions that are likely to appeal to the Adeptus Astartes as s source for Aspirants. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Effects partial memory transfer from consumed flesh/genetic material. . Entire regiments attack over a front of a few hundred metres, thousand laying down their lives in exchange for taking a position that will almost certainly be retaken within hours. Commonly, a Blood Duel Trial is fought in rounds, with Aspirants fighting foe after foe until only a small number remain. The name is based on the Codex Astartes, the tome written by Roboute Guilliman, the Ultramarines Primarch, detailing how a Space Marine Chapter should be organized. Within this specialisation there exists some variety, which is usually derived from the nature of the Chapter's gene-seed. Later a selection of photographs of Citadel Miniatures painted by. The profound misery of a Primarch. At the time of the outbreak of the Horus Heresy in the early 31st Millennium, the Ultramarines Legion was divided into twenty Chapters, each composed of ten companies, with each company composed of roughly 1,000 Astartes. were originally composed of roughly 1,000 line Legionaries, but as the Legions grew, this number began to vary substantially by Legion, and also through the vicissitudes of war and the availability of replacement recruits. Such Chapters may recruit from a variety of nearby planets, drawing their recruits from Feral World tribes, Hive world gangs or any other source. How does the Chapter govern its home world? The Dark Angels are considered amongst the most powerful and secretive of the Loyalist Space Marine Chapters. Others set aside their rivalry and work together until the end. Chapters that follow this belief system to an extreme, adorning themselves in all manner of deathly fetishes and even partaking of gristly trophy taking. A Space Wolf will drink and make merry, for tomorrow, he may die. It may even be the case that a local expression of the Imperial Cult has been declared heretical, and its adherents must be hunted down and punished. When war grinds to a stalemate and neither side has the ability to break the deadlock, the opposing armies will fortify what positions they have claimed and resolve to defend them no matter the cost. The warrior's body mass grows by up to eighty percent, many of the bones fuse, and canine fangs sprout from his gums. Rules - Delivered in varying forms between editions. Another common variation of this Trial is exposure to pain. The White Scars utilise the Thunderhawk Assault tactic to fearsome effect, ferrying entire bike squads to the front line, which ride down the stunned foe. A map of the 40k galaxy I created as a commission for a friend's personal Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum Regiment Codex, which the planet callout box in the bottom left relates too. This is both lazy and unimaginative. Warhammer 40,000 Codex (plural "codices", but "codexes" is also occasionally used) is the name of a source book for Warhammer 40,000 armies and factions containing background information, pictures, and rules. Listed below are the other Imperial designations for allegiance: The worlds of the Imperium are categorised according to a staggering range of factors, but can be divided into the loosely-defined groupings listed here. The populations of such worlds enjoy a reasonable standard of living (for the 41st Millennium!) Some may construct their base at the very highest levels of the hive-city, in rearing spires, but most are likely to claim an isolated region far out in the polluted wastes. Some, like the Blood Drinkers appear to have nearly overcome the violent rages which plague their brothers, while others, such as the Flesh Tearers, are all but lost to blood lust. It may be that insurgent or pirate activity has reached such a pitch that the local government cannot contain it any longer and the security of an entire sub-sector is threatened. Such Chapters may still deviate from the Codex in matters that do not relate directly to tactics and unit organisation. No challenge to their status intended. For this reason, a majority of Space Marines Chapters extant in the 41st Millennium are thought to be related to the Ultramarines, whether either is aware of it or not, and as such, inheritors of all that made the XIIIth Legion so great. Mighty bastions are constructed along the defence lines, each an impenetrable redoubt armed with fearsome arrays of anti-personnel weapons able to cut down entire waves of enemy attackers. Known as The Flaw, these genetic curses known separately as the Red Thirst and the Black Rage. Technologically, most of the inhabitants are ignorant of advanced machinery, but may utilise basic firearms manufactured locally. After the Horus Heresy and the resultant Second Founding reforms of the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Wolves Legion was divided into two Chapters: the new Space Wolves Chapter, which was not compliant with the dictates of the Codex Astartes and retained the name of its parent Legion, and the second Chapter which took the name of the Wolf Brothers. Discover; . Don't try to break three decades of background by creating your own "secret Primarch". Plenty of Chapters use more generalised icons such as the Imperial aquila, skulls and wings, combined in various forms. On some of these worlds, the Space Marine Chapter forms the very highest tier of a stratified and regimented society entirely focused on martial pursuits, where all aspire to the example set by the Adeptus Astartes. As the prototype of what were to become the Legiones Astartes, they served both as the template for the more specialised Legions that were to come after them and a standard by which these successors would be measured. Sometimes he will find a Space Marine waiting for him at the conclusion of his challenge, and be led into a waiting transport to leave his former life forever. During the battles of the Horus Heresy on Terra and Mars, the stored gene-seed imprint of the Blood Angels was lost, forcing the Legion to have to extract the gene-seed needed for their reconstruction after the Heresy from the fallen body of their Primarch himself. Younger worlds where Mankind's dominion is not yet fully established, are often host to all manner of hostile lifeforms, including predatory beasts, carnivorous plants and virulent microbes. All Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes were ordered to release a portion of their Veterans to provide the initial basis for this Founding, the greatest since the First Founding. When the Imperium goes to war, it does so with total conviction, for its leaders know that ultimately the very survival of Mankind is at stake. Although the Adeptus Terra prefer to leave the administration of the Imperium's worlds to the duly appointed Imperial Commanders, there are times when circumstances dictate that elements of that world's population be removed for the good of the entire region. Rules for models produced by Forgeworld are available as part of the Imperial Armour series of books, also published by Forgeworld. When it was done, there would be hundreds of Chapters to ring the Imperium in adamantium and ceramite instead of dozens. The Space Wolves are hungry for battle, yet sometimes overextend themselves and bite off more than they can chew. Those who face the impossible without faltering and who survive long past the point they should have perished are recovered by the Chapter's Apothecaries, often having succumbed but not yet died, and revived, having been judged worthy of becoming an Astartes Neophyte. Once the VIth Legion of Astartes raised by the Emperor at the dawn of the Great Crusade, the Space Wolves are renowned for their anti-authoritarian ways and their embrace of their homeworld Fenris' savage barbarian culture as well as their extreme deviation from the Codex Astartes in the Chapter's organisation. While all Chapters detest mutation in all its forms, some take their values to such an extent that they believe that the Space Marines alone are the true inheritors of the Emperor, that they were made according to his perfect vision and that mere mortals (everyone else) are utterly inferior. Born of the gene-seed of Sanguinius, these Chapters all bear the curse of their forefathers to varying degrees. Very few Space Marine Chapters specialise in stealth tactics, for most are so proud of their identity and so feared by their foes that announcing their presence in advance is in effect a weapon in itself. This subreddit is for anything and everything related to Warhammer 40k. If the Death Eagles are indeed descended from the Emperor's Children, it would explain why their true origins have been purposely obfuscated. Those amongst humanity's enemies capable of rational thought are equally quelled by the sight of the Adeptus Astartes, proudly bearing their colours and marching fearlessly onwards. In this way, a Space Marine is engineered and modified to become stronger, faster and tougher than any normal human could ever be, able to endure the harshest conditions without concern. For some this is a matter of the controlled, almost scientific application of long-range fire, while others display a preternatural instinct for locating their foe's weak points and striking from afar. Where human life exists in such an environment the peoples are often tough and resourceful, and ideal for recruitment into the Adeptus Astartes. Covers rules for both Dark Angels and Blood Angels. (See 11, This Founding occurred in the mid to late-M35. At the Trial's completion, a successful Aspirant will be taken away to join the Chapter. From left-to-right: An Ultramarines Veteran Marine and Veteran Sergeant. Horus Heresy: How to Build a Narrative Army. Each plays the role fate lays before him, knowing that a life spent in service to the Emperor is a life well lived. More Buying Choices. It might be that mutant or psyker populations have been allowed to expand unchecked. As far as the Imperium at large is concerned, these 'bush wars' are insignificant to the larger strategic situation, unless of course they interfere with the rendering of tithes or the raising of new Imperial Guard regiments. The Chapter worships one of its own heroes above all others. Codices for particular armies were introduced for the second edition of the game. The extent to which the nature of the home world reflects the character of the Chapter and its Battle-Brothers varies enormously, and in many cases it is simply a matter of providing an interesting background detail around which future adventure ideas can be built. In all likelihood, all but the world's ruling classes are unaware of the Imperium at large. They are too valuable to perform the jobs that lesser men do. While some Chapters are created using the "pure" gene-seed of the Progenitors, others are created using later generation Successors of the same Legion. 500.M34 and 600.M35. More cynical minds might wonder if the mysteries of the Red Scorpions' past and their origins might also have something to do with their fanatical desire to prove their loyalty and that they are beyond the reproach of their peers. Few Battle-Brothers can hold this Red Thirst in check unceasingly -- it is far from unknown for Blood Angels to temporarily succumb to its lure at the height of battle. Some Dead Worlds serve as Space Marine home worlds, either due to their strategic location, relative isolation or because the Chapter is tasked with guarding against the return of the ancient threat that brought about the world's fate in the first place. These range from agile walkers such as the Sentinel to super-heavy tanks such as the gargantuan Baneblade. In the 41st Millennium, autochthonic religions are often merged into the cult of the Emperor, so the practice is not entirely without precedent although it remains uncommon amongst the Adeptus Astartes. What started out as just an idea of a simple handful of units from the Adeptus Mechanicus and Chaos Space Marine lists quickly grew in ambition and scope until it turned into a full 120 page homemade codex, borrowing and/or modifying some units, but also creating a bunch of fresh ones. This often occurs in the form of having a 'magical Inquisitor' who happens to make a dramatic entrance at exactly the right moment to save the day. Although many of these Chapters might adhere closely to the organisation laid down in the Codex Astartes, they nevertheless deviate significantly when it comes to the use of icongraphy, colours and markings, as dictated though necessity or by each individual Chapter's culture: Non-standard company colours applied to Space Marine Power Armour. When the Dark Angels do undertake joint operations alongside other Chapters, it is quite common for them to do so with others amongst the so-called "Unforgiven" -- the Successors of the original Dark Angels Legion. There was only ever one produced. Many planets classed as Hive worlds feature a predominance of polluted wastes, the result of millennia of mining and industrial processing. He cast himself into a crusade of redemption that only ended in the terrible crucible of the Iron Cage, re-forging the Legion in the bloody furnace of war. The Battle of Macragge was the Ultramarines versus the Tyranids; no-one else was present. Initially only released digitally, it covers rules for playing the forces of the Inquisition in conjunction with any other Imperial army, as well as for forging more loose alliances with several xenos race, such as with the Eldar. Some Exposure Trials test the Aspirant's fortitude in a specific environment. They originally served as the Imperium's XVIIIth Space Marine Legion during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. When extracted and cultured, produces new organs. Some writers might prefer a more subtle approach (Example: Space Wolves, not Space Vikings, though the overall theme is quite obvious). The Codex Astartes provides the Chapter Master with approved naming elements and also forbids the use of certain names. Some possible combat doctrines are presented below. Brotherhood Of The Lost Wiki (AU) Dornian Heresy Wiki (AU) A Broken Throne Wiki (AU), Our Partner Sites At a Chapter's Founding the newly assigned Chapter Master must name his Chapter and chose its heraldry. Many Chapters, however, do not adhere so rigidly to the Codex patterns laid down for the organisation or other processes. $30.00 (5 new offers) Ages: 8 years and up. Generally, the people hold the Space Marines in awe, even if they rarely see them, and every family aspires to one of its sons being selected to serve in their ranks. In practice, they take no hand in the affairs of their subjects. One thing that sets a Chapter apart from another are the individual pieces of equipment that the Chapter prefers to carry into battle. The simplest reason for not using Traitor gene-seed for your Homebrew Chapter is that the Imperium has a massive stock of Loyalist gene-seed. a homebrew WH40k Codex optimized for 3rd edition but portable to all editions My friend, let me tell of you of a time when giants walked the earth; not the fallen angels we see now, but true titans who cared for little save might and conquest. They have a habit of escalating as that which the Imperium seeks to excise proves to be far more widespread than previously thought. The Space Wolves are known to use the Hunting the Hunter Trial, requiring the Aspirant to track and face a fearsome Fenrisian Wolf or a Snow Troll. The Angry Marines are a popular homebrew Chapter of Space Marines, and by far the most famous homebrew to gain fame outside the realm of 40K. It is rare for such conflicts to involve the Imperial Guard or other military organisations, for the belligerents would not wish to draw the attentions of the Adeptus Terra,