1907/2006) any company using above mentioned substances needs to notify ECHA about their use, unless they are also holders of authorization for the use. For more detailed information please refer to the technical data sheet. 189 21107 Hamburg Germany Tel. The dry gloss and gloss-reinforced properties of the material provide a better appearance during normal operation, but also during any extreme washing, swimming or in a strong sun. Employees from over 50 nations at 17 locations - Develop and produce coating concepts of the future with us. To improve your experience, we use cookies collect statistics to optimize site functionality, as well as for online marketing and remarketing. & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG) Georg-Wilhelm-Str. Quartz Primer SDS. Part C can be applied to any non-porous surface (glass or metal). Notification of Key Functionalities14. To ensure that our coating systems can be used as efficiently as possible, a holistic view of your coating process is an essential part of our work. You and/or your sub-tiers as end-users of the products are solely responsible for the REACH-compliant application and compliance with the aforementioned requirements. 4 0 obj The downstream users shall apply the RMMs and OCs included in the specific exposure scenarios without undue delay. Material Safety Data Sheet Mankiewicz Coatings LLC page: 1(2) 1.) pGm> |!lRyE D+s7{9\W7o '&RQToaAjJ1cXP\Dr;D|p[ 1 843 654 7755 Fax 1 843 654 7759. Our products gained major OEM approvals and is as well qualified for maintenance acc. & Co. (GmbH & Co. KG). Paintshop * 7. 66 of the REACH Regulation ((EC) No. Find Technical Data Sheets, Safety Data Sheets, and Application Guides. To ensure that our coating solutions can be used as efficiently as possible, we offer our customers a wide range of services. Click Accept to accept cookies or Reject to reject all the cookies. Mankiewicz 34665.7A00.7.S73 ALEXIT FST Strukturlack 346-65 7A00 Light Gray MR 4:1 Semi-Gloss Topcoat - Gallon Kit Our Part #: SGP34161 Manufacture Part #: 34665-7A00-7-S73 Our Price: $990.79 Price Per Each Bulk Shop & Save 6 - 11 $963.27 ea. endobj Observe specific national regulations for handling and use of paints. FIND OUT MORE. Mankiewicz 40412 775b 7 S89 Alexit Fst Strukturlack 404 12 775b Cool Gray Asna 3687 5344 Mr 20 1 Semi Gloss Topcoat Gallon Kit At Skygeek Com. Shop Boeing for Continental Aerospace Technologies Continental 10-821675-32 Gold Seal Right Hand Ignition Harness, 3/4 in Connection. Product Guide Search and find product information, technical data sheets, product brochures and mixing guides, or download the Qualified Product List (QPL) Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Search > Filter by Reset all filters Product Type Abrasion Resistant Cabin Coating Composite Coating Conductive Coating Epoxy Primer Epoxy Topcoat Filler Exposure Scenarios (ES) 9. Meoded Plaster Seal SDS. As a paint manufacturer we provide complete high-tech solutions for all three segments. Available in a variety of languages. Prospectus - Hutchwilco New Zealand Boat Show. Over 125 years of innovation have made us one of the world's leading manufacturers of high-quality coating solutions for industrial series production. Registration Number 5. Employees from over 50 nations at 17 locations - Develop and produce coating concepts of the future with us. 49 40 75 10 35 10 E-Mail. Any liability on our part for damage resulting from improper use or faulty application whether based on contract, breach of contract, tort (including negligence and strict liability), or any other theory of law is expressly excluded, except as required by mandatory law, such as in case of personal injury or death. Warning: This product may contain a chemical known by the State of California to cause health issues. 2023 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. Good Practice Sheets (GPS)10. Above-average development work is the basis for our success which for example led to water-dilutable paints being introduced into series production in the 1990s and more recently the launch of the. Notification Template Key Functionalities of Miscellaneous Chromates here. Stock and consignment. & CO. (GMBH & CO. KG) Note: If certification to a listed specification is required, please verify availability with your Boeing Distribution Sales Representative. ALEXSEALblue: c100 m80 y10 k80 or PANTONE 289C and ALEXSEALred: c4 m100 y95 k0 or PANTONE 032C, To improve your experience, we use cookies collect statistics to optimize site functionality, as well as for online marketing and remarketing. Design Holder MANKIEWICZ GEBR. Since 1895 Innovation meets family tradition Quality and Environmental Management Research and Development Job Opportunities Global Set-up 17 locations worldwide Sustainable Protection Our high-quality coatings ensure value retention. 189 D-21107 Hamburg Telefon (0 40) 75 10 30 Telefax (0 40) 75 10 33 75 www.mankiewicz.de . Manufacturer . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Apart from complying with optical requirements the paints must be resistant against extremely high mechanical stress and weather influences. Benefit from our many years of experience in a wide range of markets. Refer to the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) before use. Mankiewicz Coatings 1200 Charleston Regional Parkway Charleston SC 29492 USA Tel. LEXICAL Premium Topcoat 501 can be applied to any interior or exterior surface of a yacht. Mankiewicz Coatings, LLC 1200 Charleston Regional Parkway Charleston, SC 29492 USA Tel. Mankiewicz Gebr. Mankiewicz paint technical data sheet. Mankiewicz Coatings 1200 Charleston Regional Parkway Charleston SC 29492 USA Tel. The Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) (EU Regulation 1907/2006) regulates the manufacturing, import, and use of chemicals in the European Union. The safety data sheets contain information regarding work safety and environmental protection. To find out more about our coatings or other PPG Aerospace products and services, including our line of Eldorado paint strippers and cleaners, please contact the ASC nearest you. Your easy access to technical and material safety data sheets We offer diverse solutions for individual requirements - because every industry has its own demands. Our advice does not release you from the obligation to verify the information provided to check for updates for any information provided by us and to test our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses. Was founded in 1895 as an independent subsidiary of the English paint factory Robert Ingham Clark and Felix Mankiewicz initially for the sale and later for the manufacture of high-quality paints for coaches according to original English formulae. Part E can be applied to any non-porous surfaces (glass or metal). Proceed the way as for NEXTEL Suede Coating 3101. Please see also chapter 13. Open the document in the online editor. Pre-Treatment Alodine 5200 / 5700 (chrome free) Alodine 1200 (chromated) Bonderite M-CR T5900 B202 Solgel (Socomore) AC131 Boegel A0203 Solgel (Socomore) EAP-9 Solgel (PPG) In-Stock: 7 Units available in 1-2 business days Need More? Here you can find the Technical Data Sheets for ALEXSEAL. Refurbishment OEM * 3. Please note: such orders are funneled into our NY warehouse and may take an extra 7-10 days to process. carta para mi hermana embarazada ken climo injury mankiewicz alexit technical data sheet. That's why Mankiewicz offers a uniquely broad range of services that provide our customers with decisive advantages. Further information is available in our, Windows based tablets, computers and laptops. This implies that efflux time can vary according different parameters such as: type of mixing, mixing quantity, dilution, . Our products gained major OEM approvals and is as well qualified for maintenance acc. Chose your favorite hue fromour wide range of solid and metallic colors. Keep away from children. Welcome to the Mankiewicz data sheet portal. Substance/Mixture : Industrial serial painting Company : Mankiewicz Coatings L.L.C 415 Jessen Lane Charleston, South Carolina 29492 USA Telephone : +1 843 654-7755 Emergency telephone : CHEMTREC 800-424-9300 or 703-527-3887 . Click Accept to accept cookies or Reject to reject all the cookies. Uses covered by the authorizations), they are compliant with the operational conditions (OCs) and risk management measures (RMMs) set out in the Exposure Scenarios and the authorization decisions. Note: Thesevaluescannot be guaranteed to match the final applied product color for your project. Wet gloss has a high surface shine. Employees from over 50 nations at 17 locations - Develop and produce coating concepts of the future with us. We also recommend that you take a look at our Care & Maintenance Presentation. Proprietary Part NO. Iso 9001 en 9100. This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. Good Practice Sheets (GPS) 10. MAS PERMAGUARD PRIMER DATASHEET.pdf. Explore our fitting to the yacht market product portfolio and enjoy highest quality since over 20 years - layer by layer, boat by boat. GPS No. FINALIN GmbH as authorization holder acts as full representative of Mankiewicz Gebr. Products. The DIY polyurethane kit is priced affordably and comes with everything amateur painters need to get started. To improve your experience, we use cookies collect statistics to optimize site functionality, as well as for online marketing and remarketing. We have mastered the regulations that pertain to chemical products. Water Based Acrylic Swimming Pool Paint. 3M ACC SILICONES AKZONOBEL ARKEMA ATOMLAC SA AXALTA COATING FR BOSTIK CHEMETALL COOPER STANDARD CYTEC DENSO DERIVERY DOW DOW CORNING ELKEM ELKEM SILICONES GTF FREESE GMBH HENKEL HENTZEN HUMBROL INDESTRUCTIBLE PAINT INTREPID COATINGS LORD MACH MADER AERO MANKIEWICZ MOMENTIVE MONOPOL MOTIP DUPLI NAUTIX OTTO FRIDOLFING PARKER . Durable coatings increase the lifetime of vulnerable components subject to abrasion - and thus boost efficiency and performance. & CO. (GMBH & CO. 1 843 654 7755 Fax 1 843 654 7759. Two-component mixing and dosage units. The ALEXIT BaseCoat/ClearCoat system achieves top values in terms of gloss and also impresses with above-average long-lasting color intensity and gloss stability. 66 of the REACH Regulation ((EC) No. For TDS and MSDS click here Product Overview Find a short but detailed overview of our current product portfolio. Click the fillable fields and add the required information. Pick your desired basic product information (EN) for a selection of our product portfolio. This two-component polyurethane topcoat meets or exceeds OEM standards and provides applicators with the ideal product for blade repairs. +1 (843) 654 77 55 9. When a paint job is needed, the technical properties of our paints enable time- and cost-efficient implementation. Your easy access to technical and material safety data sheets. 2021 SkyGeek, a GracoRoberts company. Please note that all ALEXSEAL products are intended for professional use only and the application process must be carried out by professional users in accordance with the respective material data sheets. Stock and consignment. Go through the guidelines to determine which details you need to provide. These statements are based on our current state of knowledge regarding safety demands and do not guarantee certain characteristics. They will need to do so within three months of the first supply of the substance after the authorization decision has been published in the Official Journal of the European Union (22/04/2020). These statements are based on our current state of knowledge regarding safety demands and do not guarantee certain characteristics. Find the right form for you and fill it out: Trust Account Supervisor Training Programme. 66 notification. For Individual Product Safety Sheets, please use the Mankiewicz SDS Search Tool SDS Search Tool works on: Once applied, the formula cures readily at room temperature, drying and hardening at an even pace to ensure a uniform surface and fantastic results. Exposure Scenarios (ES)9. The material is also able to withstand temperatures of up to 70C. : +1 843 654 7755 Fax: +1 843 654 7759. Painting interval 16 Hrs. Holder of Authorization4. KG Georg-Wilhelm-Strae 189 21107 Hamburg Germany. Over 125 years of innovation have resulted in high-quality coating systems for industrial series production. Consequently, products including those substances may only be used for authorized aerospace applications. From the first coat of primer to the final topcoat, our extensive product line includes quality solutions for any project need. These exposure scenarios are made available to the downstream users in an updated safety data sheet at the latest 3 months after the authorization has been granted. Our high-quality coatings ensure value retention. Fill & Sign Online, Print, Email, Fax, or Download, Form Popularity mankiewicz alexit datenblatt form. Find helpful hints for the correct application in our Mixing Chart. Overview Products; Filler. All rights reserved. More than 100 airlines and numerous OEMs have made the decision: time and cost savings, sustainable processes and longevity. Material Processing on Shell. According to Article 66 of the REACH Regulation ((EC) No. % Download Technical Data Sheet Download MSDS. It contains information regarding work safety and environmental protection. <> Commission Implementing Decisions & Supporting Documents, Exposure Scenario(s) from application (Chemical Safety Report - CSR), Formulation of mixtures intended exclusively for uses bearing authorization numbers REACH/20/7/10 to REACH/20/7/19, Application of primers and specialty coatings in the construction of aerospace and aeronautical parts, including aeroplanes / helicopters, spacecraft, satellites, launchers, engines, and for the maintenance of such constructions for the aerospace sector in which any of the following key functionalities is required: corrosion resistance, adhesion of paint / compatibility with binder system, layer thickness, chemical resistance, temperature resistance (thermal shock resistance), compatibility with substrate or processing temperatures, Formulation of mixtures exclusively for uses bearing authorization numbers REACH/20/11/2 and REACH/20/11/3, Use in wash primers, fuel tank primer and aluminized primer for the purpose of corrosion protection in aeronautic applications where any of the following key functionalities or properties is necessary for the intended use: corrosion resistance, active corrosion inhibition, adhesion, chemical resistance, layer thickness, temperature resistance, compatibility with other substrate/other coatings, dynamic performance (only for fuel tank primer) and appearance (only for aluminized primer), Formulation of mixtures intended exclusively for uses REACH/20/6/5 to REACH/20/6/9, In primer and coatings (including as wash primers) for the aerospace sector in which any of the following key functionalities is required: corrosion resistance, adhesion of paint / compatibility with binder system, layer thickness, chemical resistance, temperature resistance (thermal shock resistance), compatibility with substrate and processing temperatures, Implementation of new specific exposure scenarios as provided in the MSDS, DUs to conduct first workers exposure measurement campaigns according to the monitoring template made available via GPS E2, DUs to implement monitoring programs for Chromium (VI) emissions to wastewater and air from LEV according to the monitoring template made available via GPS E3, DUs to notify data from workers exposure measurements and air and waste water monitoring to ECHA under Art. 49 40 75 10 30. In addition, the downstream users shall include in the notification to ECHA a justified explanation of the key functionalities which are necessary for their use. Mankiewicz Aircraft Record Form Survey * 1. Monitoring12. Part E is not as shiny as dry gloss. Mi ngi ai ng k thang bng lng vi S lao n Vic lm k ton, How To Prepare Peeling Paint For Repainting, C nhn gp vn thnh lp doanh nghip bng hng ha, ti sn, Hng dn chi tit k ton chi ti tr min Trung khc phc thin tai Edubelife, Hng dn lp mu DK05 theo Quyt nh 959/Q-BHXH. 1 0 obj Get the free mankiewicz alexit technical data sheet form Description of mankiewicz alexit technical data sheet Email: info xylexin.com Phone: 801 225 7960 FAX: 801 225 7966 DESCRIPTION: High performance epoxy hybrid coating Superior weathering and chemical resistance Cures at ambient temperature Low VOC less In addition to registration, REACH also provides for pre-market authorization of certain chemicals that are considered of particular concern. The authorization process aims to ensure that substances of very high concern (SVHCs) are progressively replaced by less dangerous substances or technologies where technically and economically feasible alternatives are available. We offera complete system of solutions for fast and efficient blade repairs. As the deadline for the notification may be earlier than the deadline for the additional required data, downstream users can provide this data in an update of their notification, by the deadline set in the decision (see above). Part D can be applied to any non-porous surface (glass or metal). The information contained herein is believed to be reliable, but no representations, guarantees or warranties of any kind are made to its accuracy, suitability for particular applications or the results to be obtained. TECHNICAL INFORMATION FAA-NR Approved SPECIFICATIONS Series: ALEXIT-FST Base 24 kg I 12 kg I 1 kg I 800 g I 1 US Gallon . . The authorization decision requires Downstream Users to provide to ECHA the information from the monitoring programmes, including the contextual information associated to each set of measurements. ALEXSEAL-Finish Primer 442 Converter C4427 Product no.
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