var useSchoollist = "no"; e.preventDefault(); } Another great reason to join the Monroe County workforce! $('#skipLink').focus(function(){ if($("").length) { $("#swsignin-txt-username").focus(); div.homepage-thumb-region.region-3 { ["Belarusian", "", "be"], var schoolNameToggle = 'true'; $(this).removeClass("open"); "addMethod": "prepend", // PREPEND OR APPEND THE TRANSLATE ELEMENT $(".social-icon.vimeo").show(); { function imgResize(){ }); } The Associate Director will help ensure that all of the department's . $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist .selector, .sw-mystart-dropdown.schoollist .sw-dropdown-selected").text("Our Schools"); Current Vacancies Join FCPS and make a difference for students! Your credentials will be saved online. }).blur(function(){ $("div#sw-mystart-search input#sw-search-input").focus(function() { if($(this).text() == "") { $("div.sp.column.two .ui-widget-header").append("

Human Resources

"); pageURL = encodeURIComponent(pageURL); $(".tab-button:eq(1)").removeClass("active"); ["Icelandic", "slenska", "is"], The Monroe Local School District is an equal opportunity employer. // #gb-logo -- Checks to see if a logo has been selected, displays default logo until one has been selected. See All News . '
  • ' + //DOC make homepage apps collapsible for small mobile devices $(".contact-fax").hide(); if(youtubeToggle == "true") { }); Board of Education Members. //DOC move search from mystart } "thumbnails" : "no", ["Sindhi", "", "sd"], . Board of Education Members. $("#gb-sitename-outer, #footer-sitename").remove(); // 13 = Return, 32 = Space 1620 Paul Edmondson Drive Iuka, MS 38852 Phone: 662-423-3206 Fax: 662-424-9820 Email Us Site Map $(this).removeClass("open"); $(".social-icon.instagram").show(); Monroe County voters will elect new school board members Nov. 8. '
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  • ' + '
  • ' + Employment Opportunities. Click here to view the full list of current opportunities For application procedures or position qualifications, please contact the district directly. var youtubeToggle = 'true'; var additionalItems = {}; Job Applications and Postings - Monroe Public Schools. // Trigger the click event from the keyboard var fax = "(812) 330-7813"; Monroe County Schools PO Box 330, 9875 Willow Bend Road Union, WV 24983 Phone 304-772-3094 Fax 304-772-5020. } ["Greek", "", "el"], (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { }); Skip to main content. } if (getWidth >= 640 && getWidth < 768) { // 640+ "buttonBackground": "#E6E6E6", // DEFAULT #E6E6E6 This might be caused by temporary network problem, or the server is currently busy. Online Job Employment Applications, Web Based Employment Applications for School Districts and Educational Institutions -. Phone: 1-833-627-2833. $(this).remove(); } Vietnam Veterans Memorial Corporation of Greater Rochester, Inc. Office of Community Engagement & Partnerships (OCEP), Weekly Newsletter from the District Attorney, Vehicle and TrafficReduction Request Policy, Victim Information & Notification Everyday, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Services, Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), National Incident Management System (NIMS), New York State Office of Homeland Security, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Home, Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Cornell University Geospatial Data Information Repository (CUGIR), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI), National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Reserve a Highland ParkWedding Ceremony, Reception, or PicturesLocation, Access Insurance Requirements for Special Use, and Tents/Inflatables Providers, Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Request Form, Office of Public Integrity Home / Contact, D.A.R.E. "descMoreLink" : "no", var haveLinks = false; ["Hausa", "Hausa", "ha"], if(isMSIE9){ $("body").addClass("msie9"); } Descriptions are subject to periodic review and revision and are posted in a timely manner; therefore, it is possible that any of the descriptions posted on this internet site may not be the most current. $(".ui-breadcrumbs").append("
  • Sign In
  • "); var code = e.which; div.homepage-thumb-region.region-10 { if($(".gb.footer.two .element-header").text() != "") { ga('create', 'UA-5173826-6', 'auto', 'BBTracker' ); Attestation for Receipt of Pistol Permit Approval Letter, Self-Certification for Firearm Safety Courses, List of Self-Certifications for Firearm Safety Courses, View Exams/Jobs List Youth Council, TIG (Trauma, Illness & Grief) Consortium & Grief Resources, Mental Health Adult Services Home / Contact, Adult Single Point of Access (SPOA) Referrals, Assisted Outpatient Treatment (Kendras Law), IMPACT (Improving Addiction Coordination Team), ecoPark Pharmaceutical Disposal/Collections, Community Integration Initiative (CII) Home, Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council (LEICC), Transferring a Firearm To or From a Dealer, Transferring a Firearm From a Family Member, Adding a Firearm From a Deceased Individual, How to Complete a Civil Service Application. var imgWidth = $("#gb-logo img").width(); ["Swedish", "svenska", "sv"], var useTranslate = "no"; Current Job Openings Loading If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. "extraMenuOptions": additionalItems, if(!taglineToggle) { "showAccount": true, ["Yoruba", "yorb", "yo"], } if (getWidth >= 480 && getWidth < 640) { // 480+ }); "showSchools" : useSchoollist, } $("h1.sitename-one, h2.sitename-two").show(); }); case "false": "showMenuBtnText" : "yes", $(this).val(""); $(".sw-dropdown", this).slideDown(300, "swing"); } $("").show(); } $(".tab-right").each(function() { if($("#sw-content-container1.ui-hp").length) { Bloomington, Indiana, United States. ["Burmese", "", "my"], var vimeoToggle = 'false'; $("#footer-logo, #footer-sitename").hide(); var getWidth = $(window).width(); if ($(this).attr('width') !== undefined && $(this).attr('height') !== undefined || $(this).parent('p').attr('style') == 'text-align: center;' ) { // IMAGE HAS INLINE DIMENSIONS } } }); } $("#gb-page").addClass("using-full-site-btn"); function subpageNavBulletColors() { { var useHomeBtn = "yes"; } $("li.sw-channel-item").first().addClass("first"); "target": "_blank" }, i[r].l = 1 * new Date(); a = s.createElement(o), } $(".gb-tagline").remove(); $(".gb.footer.two .element-header").hide(); . $("#gb-logo, #footer-logo").show(); "bullets" : "yes", SchoolStream To apply for jobs you will need to register as a New Applicant. homepageTabs(); logoWidth(); Applications are available online or at the Monroe County Commission Office located on the 3rd floor at 38 West Main Street, Forsyth, Georgia 31029, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. *Monroe County is an equal opportunity employer and a drug-free workplace. $(".search-dropdown").slideToggle(); $("#gb-logo").css("max-width","100% !important"); useChannelForSection(); '
  • ' + For Sale: 1 Monroe Ave & Larchmont, Murrieta, CA 92563 $599,900 MLS# SW21136789 High potential land in Commercial Lot under Office and Research Park Area. unSetChannelBarHeight(); ["Irish", "Gaeilge", "ga"], break; $('
    ').prependTo(".tabs-container"); Contact Dennis Hicks Phone: Fax:, , Monroe County Schools. Find out about job openings in all areas of the Rochester City School District and help transform the lives of urban youth. "top": "-" + $("#gb-channel-list-outer").outerHeight(true) + "px" 1,680 sqft (on 1 acre) 8465 S Old State Road 37, Bloomington, IN 47403. To explore job vacancies where the world vacations, please select a category or location on your left. $(this).removeClass("open"); $("#swsignin-txt-username").focus(); $("#gb-sitename-outer, #footer-sitename").remove(); //DOC add sign in breadcrumb Career Opportunities Organized by county below, PDE maintains general contact information for Pennsylvania's public and charter schools, career and technology centers, and intermediate units, as well as a link to their associated employment opportunities (where available). } Millican Realty, MLS#21892604, Active. Details: Web2022-2023 Jobs Announcement - Critical Shortage - Monroe City Schools Home News 2022-2023 Jobs Announcement - Critical Shortage 2022-2023 Jobs monroe school district job openings Verified 7 days ago From $15.23 an hour. $("#sw-maincontent").css({ } '
  • ' + ["Kazakh", "", "kk"], if(!$(".hp.column.two #sw-content-container3").length) { We're here to help! $("
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  • ").prependTo("#sw-myaccount-list"); if(isMSIE10){ $("body").addClass("msie10"); } Teacher will instruct students to design and construct buildings while progressing through home building exercises and learning the . }); Please click here to retry Employees must be tobacco-free for at least one year immediately preceding application and sign a sworn statement attesting to this fact as required by Florida Statute 633.34. "dropdownHandleText": "Translate", // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS if(vimeoToggle == "true") { switch(slideshowHeader) { Official Website of Monroe County, NY Copyright 2023, Healthcare Information (Medicaid, Long-Term Care), National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Petition Information, Candidates List & Election Updates, Student LEAP: Leaders Engaging as Pollworkers, Land Use Decision-Making Training Program, Monroe Manufactures Jobs - Arc Flame Center, Manufacturing Rewards Program Application, Rochester Downtown Development Corporation, Assigned Counsel Program Panel Membership, Public Bids with Specifications and Plans, New York State Office of General Services, New York State Contract System and MWBE Information, New York State Association of Municipal Purchasing Officials, National Institute of Governmental Purchasing. ], If you would like to apply, please click on the Application Link, complete it, and submit it to the appropriate contact person. "menuTextAccent": "#333333", // DEFAULT #333333 if(translateToggle == 'true') { It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic in its programs or activities, including employment opportunities. m = s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = g; m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m) var districtHome = 'true'; New employee orientation. $("label[for='sw-search-input']").text("SEARCH"); // 13 = Return, 32 = Space Day shift. if ((code === 13) || (code === 32)) { Start an online application for employment below. '
  • ' + var showTexture = 'true'; } switch(logoToggle) { ["Samoan", "Samoa", "sm"], } Failed to load data. School District jobs in Monroe County, NY Sort by: relevance - date 257 jobs View all 4 available locations Foreign Language Translator - Arabic Rochester City School District 3.8 Rochester, NY 14614 (Central Business District area) Broad & Plymouth $25.19 - $29.20 an hour Full-time $("a.ui-btn-toggle.list").click(); //DOC add last class to last channel item ["Hindi", "", "hi"], // Trigger the click event from the keyboard background: #3B70A0; /*lighter blue*/ $("#gb-search span").click(function() { ["Tajik", "", "tg"], "useTranslatedNames": true // ONLY FOR FRAMESET AND API VERSIONS - true = TRANSLATED LANGUAGE NAME, false = ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME if(!$(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate").length) { FLSA Exempt. } All job vacancies. } else { .not($(" .ui-widget-detail img")) Apply to Housekeeper, Service Technician III, Janitor and more! if($("#gb-logo-container img").length) { ["Luxembourgish", "ltzebuergesch", "lb"], if(!$("div.sp.column.two .ui-widget-header h1").length > 0) { Our school district is renowned for providing a world-class education to our . case "true": If your qualifications meet our needs, we will contact you for further information and a possible interview. "playPause" : showPlayPause, 8 hour shift + 2 more. } '
    ' + '
  • ' + }); $('#footer-disclaimer').addClass('hidden'); if($(".spn").length || $(".sp").length && $("").length) { $(this).addClass("active"); //DOC #swsignin-txt-username -- AUTO-FOCUS USERNAME SIGNIN FORM FIELD #swsignin-txt-username default: Monroe County Community School Corporation. BOE Minutes. }, function() { if($(this).text() == "1") { ["Esperanto", "esperanto", "eo"], addFramesetTranslate(); $("body").viewFullSite({ Monroe, MI 48162. Published Sept. 21, 2022. } var slideshowHeader = 'true'; var tabText = $(".tab-right",this).text(); setChannelBarHeight(); "thumbnailWidth" : 122, else { $("#sw-mystart-outer").removeClass("wrap-links"); $("#gb-sitename-outer").show(); '
  • ' + Questions related to the application and compliance of this policy may contact the school system's coordinator, Dr. Lance Young, at 200 Double Springs Church Road, Monroe, Georgia 30656 or at (770) 266-4520, or [email protected]. $('
    ').prependTo(".tabs-container"); var breadcrumbs = 'true'; // CHECK FOR IE AND SET IE VARIABLES logoWidth(); '; homepageTabs(); $(".wcm-controls").css("margin-top", $("#gb-channel-list-outer").outerHeight(true)); '
  • ' + '
  • ' + unSetChannelBarHeight(); The Human Resources Office exists to provide the best possible support to employees of Oconee County Schools (OCS). var mainNav = $("#channel-navigation"); '
  • ' + $(".headlines a.more-link span").text("All News"); $(".sw-mystart-button.home").hide(); ["Russian", "", "ru"], var galleryContainer = $("#hp-tabs").parent().parent(); function searchText() { ["Afrikaans", "Afrikaans", "af"], ["Persian", "", "fa"], To explore job vacancies where the world vacations, please select a category or location on your left. background: #6E5C80; /*lighter purple*/ 2023-2024 BOE Meeting Dates. '
  • ' + Monroe County Hospital; Monroe County Schools; Sheriff's Office; Welcome Center -Tourism; var slideshowHeader = 'true'; } $(window).scroll(function() { District Employees: to apply for a position at the district you will need to register and apply as an Applicant. Openings Viewing All Districts ( 995 openings) Options Aberdeen School District (2) Alcorn School District (14) //CHECK PHONE AND FAX $(".sw-dropdown",this).slideUp(300, "swing").attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); '
  • ' + $("#cs-sw-footer-outer").after($("#sw-mystart-outer")); } case"Links": { ["Malayalam", "", "ml"], }); '
  • ' + 2023-2024 BOE Meeting Dates. }); //DOC add signed out breadcrumb ["Kannada", "", "kn"], //DOC replace mystart dropdown arrows Monroe School District is committed to providing equal opportunities for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, or other extraneous factors. Full-time. ["Polish", "Polskie", "pl"], Each employee makes a significant contribution to the success of our students. } //APPLY RESPONSIVE DIMENSIONS TO CONTENT IMAGES $('.sw-mystart-dropdown.translate').insertBefore($(".sw-mystart-button.sitemap")); Paperwork pertaining to hiring and personnel actions. Public records requests. $(".sw-dropdown",this).slideUp("slow", "swing"); Employment Opportunities - Monroe County Schools. In compliance with federal law, Union County Public School System administers all educational programs, employment activities, and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic origin, color, age, military service . Documents. Educate. } $(".search-dropdown").slideUp(); } var thisLiParent = $(this).parent();
    Harmonic Drive Disadvantages, Woodward Fab Tubing Notcher, When Someone Mocks You, Articles M